Any Sideman, sad one shot.

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(This is a really sad one so if you prefer happy then don't read it. :P)

"You are so beautiful." I remember him whispering that to me the first time we kissed. He'd told me he loved me only a week after that. "I will always love you." He'd said after our first time, but who knew that 'always' would be cut so short. "You are my forever." This had been his favourite thing to say to me. He'd never really been one for simply saying "I love you." So I became his forever. And he became my always. We were perfect, him and I. People didn't see it that way, but we did. We saw the infinite love we had. We felt it. And neither one of us ever doubted it, because we were 'forever' and 'always' and nothing could change that. And then something DID change that. The worst night of my life. The night our infinite love got shattered into a million pieces and nobody even noticed. The world wouldn't miss our love, for it had barely even begun before it ended. But I would miss it. The rest of the world would keep spinning like nothing even happened, like he never even existed. The night he died was the night my world ended...

He told me he loved me. We'd only officially been dating for a week but that didn't deter him. He loved me and he wanted to say it, so he did and of course I immediately said it back. Over the next month we spent practically every moment we possibly could together. His friends from YouTube joked about us being inseparable, probably because we WERE. Wherever one went, the other followed. One month I got to spend with him. One. And I'm so glad I had the privilege of knowing him, even if it was only for a short period of time.

He'd gone out to the shops when it happened. I hadn't been there with him because one of his YouTube friends had broken up with his girlfriend and I was trying to comfort him. At exactly 20:37pm on March the 15th 2015 my phone rang with the news. I'd answered the phone without looking, the only person to ever ring me was him so I just figured it would be him. It was a paramedic. There had been a crash involving a drunk driver. He died on site. They said it was quick and unlike most car crashes, he died on impact. There was nothing they could do, they'd already tried to resuscitate him. As the words "pronounced dead at 20:37" came out of the paramedics mouth, my whole world died with him. I felt my heart shatter in to a million pieces and I couldn't speak to respond to the paramedic on the phone. The friend that I had been with, trying to comfort only seconds ago, took the phone from my hand . I watched as his face paled. I watched his lips move as he talked to the man on the phone. I watched the realisation dawn on his face. But I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I sat there paralysed. My always had just died, and he took my heart with him...

(Authors notes: so yeah... That just happened. It's shorter than usual, I know. It doesn't feel right to say 'hope you enjoyed!' Like I usually do so in just going to go now... Ok, umm... C'ya? <3)

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