Chapter 20

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~ Sarkis' POV ~

That was a slight scare, when Matt teleported home like that. He was safe though, he had passed out and I brought him up to our bed, like usual. Maia called and told me what happened, the talk they had about his date. She didn't say everything, as Matt had asked her to keep it secret. She did say he was having trouble with how he feels about Beth, and she told him she believes in how he'd make the right choice, which... I've told him that many times. I suppose, due to how Matt feels about Maia and her father and all that, hearing it from her meant a lot to him. Which, unfortunately, spiked his condition, but oh well...

At least Matt was only out for the evening. He was up this morning earlier than I was and got ready for school faster than I did, but he barely spoke a word. I had asked about his date and Beth, but he said he didn't want to talk about it. The drive to school was quiet, and when we arrived, Matt was getting out of the car before Ignatius had even fully stopped the car. When I caught up to him, he was talking with Dan, holding hands with Beth, and he had a smile on his face.

...But I know him, and that's not really a happy smile...

As Beth and Matt were walking in front of Dan and I, I whispered to Dan, "Hey, was he acting weird for you?"

Dan whispered back, "He seems completely fine. What's up?"

"He's barely spoken at all until now, and he was moving very fast this morning, wanting to get here as soon as possible, it seemed."

"Oh... why?"

"I don't know, I was gonna ask you that!"

"...Well, I dunno. When he came up to me he seemed normal."

"What about his date? Did he talk about that at all?"

"No, neither did Beth... why, did it go bad?"

"That's the impression I got from Maia. They bumped into each other yesterday and talked about it, but apparently, he asked her to keep it secret, and he didn't want to talk to me this morning."

Dan furrowed his brow, "...What about last night? Was he acting weird then?"

"He teleported home that afternoon because talking with Maia made his condition spike, he was unconscious."


"...It worries me that he's acting like this. He was always honest with me, told me everything. I did the same with him, and I still do. But now? I know something's up and he won't tell me..."

"...I dunno..." Dan slowly shrugged, "Maybe... we should just roll with it? As much as we want to know everything right now, he might just need a bit of time... Cuz, look," Dan pointed, "He's not really holding her hand."

Dan was right. Beth was gripping his hand tightly, but Matt wasn't even gripping back. His hand was completely loose...

"He's not okay..." Dan sighed, "But, again, just give it time... For now, let's just try to make him happy today. Sound good?"


Math class went by uneventfully. Dan was talking with Matt on our walk to the gym, keeping his word and doing his best to make Matt smile. Gym class went by normally, Matt and I taking turns keeping an eye on Dylan's friends. They were being awfully insistent on harassing Dan today. Dylan didn't actually participate this time, he seemed focused on Matt, oddly enough. He didn't do anything, I just kept catching him looking at Matt with a strange smile.

After class, Matt changed super fast and had left the room first. Dan and I got out into the hall just in time to hear him talking with Beth.

"Well, would you mind if I spent some time with my friends today?"

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