Chapter 30

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~Dan's POV~

I hesitated when I saw Matt laying there covered in those chaos markings. Part of me was screaming at me to run over there, to help Matt, to see if he was okay... but something else made me stop... almost like an instinct telling me something wasn't right. My ears twitched back and forth, focusing towards him, my eyes were wide open as I scanned over him repeatedly... I saw Matt, I saw he was normal in terms of proportions, meaning his Chaos magic wasn't out of control due to the elemental being nearby... I saw he still wasn't moving... But something inside me was screaming danger, loud enough to make me unable to go to him. I opened my mouth, about to call his name, but I reconsidered when he twitched somewhat violently before stirring more regularly, as if waking from unconsciousness. He lay there for a moment, clearly breathing now, but not doing much else... Even after waiting and watching for many tense seconds... he still did nothing... What was wrong with him? Why isn't he getting up? Why hasn't he looked around, called my name... Why... Why does his fur still have the patterns...

...Oh no... It can't be the elemental... in Matt's body... can it? ...Fuck, that's why my brain told me danger... I have no way of knowing it's him, or... him...


"...M-Matt?" I hesitantly called out, my impatience winning over my fears.

Thankfully, no explosion or burst of Chaos or anything bad happened, like my mind was dreading. All he did was a simple, small motion. A slight flick of his ear, indicating that he had heard my call. Yet, he didn't do anything other than that, remaining stationary, almost stiff, yet clearly breathing. I had moved a little more behind the sakura tree when I spoke, as in case he suddenly moved and looked over here, at least I could hide, if it was dangerous... I really, really badly wanted to run straight for him, but I remembered Matt's words of warning he told me once, regarding a situation like this.

"It could hurt or even kill you against my will. Pure chaos is not easy to control, as I don't think it was ever really meant to be controlled in the first place. Even if the elemental somehow wasn't the problem, there's no telling if it will do exactly as I ask or envision of it... Plus thinking that the elemental won't be a problem is a fucking fantasy at this point... My point is, if you ever see those markings on me, stay back. If, somehow, I tell you it's safe, then, and only then, can you come closer, but keep your distance. And if something seems off, even by a little bit... P-Please, stay the fuck away from me. No matter what I say, just stay away. If you know it's the elemental... you run. Run away as fast as you can, and get Sarkis... You mean so damn much to me... Seeing it hurt you... would kill me..."

I fought my urge to run to him. His back was to me, I couldn't see his face to try and read his expression if he needed help or if it was safe to approach him. He clearly couldn't communicate verbally right now... I fought through my rising anxiety and worry, and walked in a big circle around him, keeping my distance as I talked to him.

"Can you talk? The markings are there! ...I-Is it safe? ...A-Are you okay!?"

Finally, I had walked far enough around so I could see his face. His eyes were open. I could see the all-black sclera and white slit pupil, but this time there was a bit of red between the black and white. Once I came into his view, those pupils tracked my movements quite clearly. His jaw was firmly shut, he still hadn't moved anything else other than his eyes and ears. He saw me, he heard me... but why wasn't he responding to me? Is it because he's actually not Matt and is trying to lure me in, or is it because he is Matt, just is petrified or something? I-I can't fucking tell which! He needs to give me a sign or something so I know it's him, so I know it's safe to approach... but... I dunno. Should I ask him something? Something only Matt would know? ...How many times has the elemental watched us, watched Matt as he went through his day? How much would it know about me? Definitely my name, perhaps my full name... Where I live? How old I am? Ugh, fuck, these are too simple questions! Think! ...Maybe something about Matt? Like... his Moresight, or... his eyes in general? They change colour with his emotions... Oh, I know! They go pink when... ugh, nevermind, even Matt doesn't know that one...

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