Chapter 2

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~ ??? POV ~

I jolted awake, broken out in a cold sweat. I could hear my own heart thumping in my chest, and I was having trouble breathing. Chills ran down my spine, across my chest, and the fur on my neck and arms stood on end. I felt alert, cold, and at any moment something was going to jump out at me. my eyes frantically searched the bedroom, those fearful and tense sensations died down. Eventually, things were mostly fine... I felt normal, just...a little scared, still. I rubbed my eyes and took deep breaths. Reaching over to my nightstand, I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and looking at the time and date.

"...Two days...again," I sighed, "Great... And wasn't I supposed to go to my new school today? Fuck... I guess I missed that..." I lay my phone down beside me, rubbing my eyes one last time before turning to get out of bed. My phone then began vibrating, I was getting a call, so I immediately answered it. My voice was dry, and cracked a little when I spoke, "H-Hello?"

"Oh!" A familiar voice sounded surprised, "Good, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Like usual, Ignatius..." I mumbled, "Tired, dry throat, hungry... a little scared, but I'm mostly over it."

"That's all?"

"Basically... But, today was-"

"I already called the school this morning," Ignatius interrupted, "I told you to not worry about it."

"I wasn't worried, I was excited...and worried."

Ignatius chuckled softly, "Yeah, I figured..." He sighed, "Well, hopefully, we figure something out for your condition so you don't miss any more school than you need to, okay?"


"Text your brother that you're up, and go have some breakfast."

"You mean lunch?" I smiled half-heartedly.

"Oh, it's lunchtime already?"

I shook my head slightly, "Yes. Was it busy this morning?"

"Very, I was working in the ER...must have lost track of time."

I chuckled softly, "Well, I'll leave you to it. Go save some lives."

"You know it. I'll see you later, then."

"Yeah... Bye."

Ignatius is...someone I really, really appreciate. He took me and my brother in when nobody else would, despite everything that had happened in the past. He's helping me get my life together, which is not easy regarding me and my...condition. He works at the hospital and helps so many people every single day. He's kind, generous, makes people laugh... Ignatius is just absolutely amazing, one of the best people I know. Even though we aren't related, I consider him family now. That's how much he means to me, and my brother.

Anyway, I had texted my brother once I hung up on Ignatius, figuring he ought to know I'm okay. He texted back, almost instantly, "Good, is everything okay? You feeling alright?" I replied "Yeah" though to be honest, it would likely take me a few minutes to stand. Being unconscious for two days makes ya trip quite easily when you try to get I was a little dizzy and still sort of waking up, so yeah, there's also that.

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