Chapter 11

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~ Dan's POV ~

Man, I love this game, but honestly, the menu music loop is getting kinda annoying now.

Matt was in the bathroom, Sarkis was getting a snack or something, so I was left on the couch waiting for both of them. We had been gaming and laughing for quite a while now, the first couple rounds were slow because we had to learn the controls, but it was fun. In terms of who won the most, it was pretty even between the three of us, but I had been on a winning streak recently. Though we've had a lot of fun, I wouldn't be surprised if either of them said they were getting tired of this. I could keep going if they wanted to keep going, but I have other games if they wanna stick around.

It's nice to have friends again, I'll say that.

Just then, Sarkis came in, talking on his phone, "Yeah, we're at Dan's still... Yep, all's well... Oh... Oh jeez, really? Wow... Yeah, that's fine, stay late and help that guy, I'll tell Matt... Wait, what?" Sarkis looked a little confused as he sat down, "Okay... and you're saying this because...?"

After a second, Sarkis turned to me, a slight smile on his muzzle, "So, because Ignatius is a weirdo, he's suggesting Matt and I sleep over. He has to stay late to help a patient anyway, so if it's okay with you and your parents, he's cool."

Smiling a little, I nodded, "I'll ask."

"Kay, go help your patient Ignatius, I'll text you," Sarkis said into his phone, "Yep, I will. Bye."

After texting my mom, since she had to go pick up dad from work cuz his car broke down, she said sure, so I happily relayed this to Sarkis. Matt walked in at that moment, and for some reason, he looked a little embarrassed when I said my mom was cool with us having a sleepover. But then, he smiled at me.

"Alright. Whoever wins the most games in the next two hours gets Dan's bed, the other two sleep on the floor!"

I blinked a few times, then smiled wide, "Come on, Matt! Ya coulda made a more challenging bet! You're on!"

* * A few crushing defeats later * *

Damnit. Sarkis and I were sleeping on the floor. Matt completely destroyed us. Somehow, someway, I became literal trash at the game, and Matt won more than half the rounds. I swear my controller was messing up...even if I insisted it was and switched with Matt's and he still kicked ass...

Anyway, after dinner and chatting with my parents, Sarkis and Matt went home briefly to get their stuff, and by the time they got back, it was pretty much the time where I'd fall asleep standing up, so we went to bed, comfortable or not. But... I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and came back to my room, having completely forgotten the bet I lost. So guess what I did? I got in my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up, all warm and happy. Me being me, I wanted to lay in bed for a while, cuz who wants to get up right as soon as their eyes open anyway? But, little by little, I noticed a few things as the tiredness went away.

One, I was on my side, which was odd considering I usually sleep on my stomach. Two, it was almost too warm, but cozy enough to tolerate. Three, wow, my back is really warm right now. Four... everywhere along my back, my butt, the back of my legs, and the top of my head is warm. Five... is that breathing I'm hearing? It sounds really close. Six, my blanket is kinda curled around me weird, it's all like, wrapped tightly just below my chest but loose kind of below the knees. Seven...oh shit we made a bet and I lost and Matt's in my bed right now hugging me in his sleep.

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