Chapter 35

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~ Dan's POV ~

As we walked into the cafeteria, the more people that saw Matt and I, the quieter it got. The people that were closest to us as we walked by the tables all looked nervous, and it only got worse after Sarkis went to our table and Matt and I approached the lineup to get us all something to eat. People were noticeably giving Matt and I space, in front and behind. The people that wanted to get by and go out the other entrance to the cafeteria, or that were coming in and didn't want to get into the line, didn't bother going in front or behind us where there were clear gaps. They were content to either ask others to move, or they push through others, in the line. They avoided us completely... And I'm afraid I know exactly why.

Things that happen in this school spread like wildfire through social media. Everyone probably saw a post saying that Matt threatened Dylan during second period with something that was suspiciously like Chaos magic. Matt was thinking this as well, his grip on his phone was firm as he checked his social media, his stiff posture and flicking tail showing he was uncomfortable or upset. I patted his shoulder and told him to stop checking. There was no point, really.

Nobody talked to us as the line progressed. We just got what we wanted, paid for it in awkward silence, then went over to our table. As we sat down with Sarkis, everyone around us shifted slightly farther away, and Matt's ears finally went down.

"You okay, Matt?" Sarkis asked, "Feeling alright?"

"...Everyone's scared of me now..." Matt said quietly.

We were all quiet for a moment, just eating our lunch in awkward silence. I had glanced up to see Maia approaching us, but one of the other girls she knew grabbed her arm, and it looked like she said, "Don't go over there." Maia looked insulted, breaking free of that girl's grasp, walking over, and plunking her tray down right beside Matt. She remained standing, peering at everyone who was staring at her.

"What, is there a problem with me sitting here?" Maia said aloud.

A bunch of people glanced at Matt, then back to Maia. She clicked her tongue, saying something under her breath... and then, I heard her talk in a way she never had before. She was always polite and kind. Always. But this time, she was the complete opposite.

"Alright, look, dumbasses," She began with, which surprised all of us, "Matt is a cool guy. Do you see him trying to kill us all right now? No. Did he even try to hurt anyone before? No. Are you all being jackasses for being so scared of him when really there's nothing wrong? Yes, absolutely! So, I suggest you all grow a pair and say sorry for shunning his existence or just mind your own damn business." She looked around the room, "And whoever the fuck spread that bullshit rumour about his magic probably wanted more fucking likes and follows, and only said what they did because they knew your dumbasses would fall for that shit. So are we all going to stare at him because of a bullshit rumour or are you all going to go back to whatever the fuck you consider normal? Or maybe some of you should fucking apologize to him, he did nothing wrong!"

After Maia glared at a few people, everyone turned around and went back to doing what they normally did... mostly. A few people were talking about us, that much I knew for sure, but at least they aren't looking this way as much.

As Maia sat down, Matt quietly said, "Thanks..."

"Don't mention it... People in this school are just..." Maia grumbled something inaudible to me, but whatever it was, it was probably a pretty bad description.

"Yeah..." Sarkis nodding glancing around quickly, "Maia, I... never saw you talk like that."

"Don't piss me off then," Maia gave a wry smile.

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