Chapter 36

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A/N: I realize now I've kinda written this book like it's a TV show, with each chapter being a different episode. As a result of that, there are plenty more episodes to go. So much that, I don't wanna call it now, but I might reach up to 50 chapters depending on how I edit it. It seems like a lot - and I'm pretty sure it is lol - but not every single chapter is gonna be as long as these recent ones have been. I know it's a lot of reading you guys have done, and it may be difficult to recall certain details if you started reading when I posted the first chapter, but I'm super glad you've made it this far! I definitely tried to include a bit too many details in this story and that's what made it so long, but oh well. I can't really shrink this story the way it is now, plus, y'all seem to enjoy it the way it is, so I'll keep going! Thanks for reading, and enjoy this next 'episode' of this book!


~ Dan's POV ~

I snuggled Matt as tight as I could, trying to not cry... but it was difficult to relax. No matter how hard I tried, I kept thinking about what Zakaroth had said. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it at all, but I can't help myself. I just can't tell if he was telling the truth or not. Was I right to react the way I did? Not only that but, is he right about me? Or was he just trying to get me, and what the hell would have happened if he did get me-

"Hey, shhh, it's okay," Matt hugged me tightly, "Come on, please don't cry..."

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize just... How do I make you feel better? Is there anything I can do?"

...Goddamn it... I have to ask him or I'll literally be crying for an hour, won't I?

"J-Just..." I nuzzled his neck, closing my eyes and squeezing him. My voice cracked, "...D-Do I... Do I hurt you, wuffy?"

"No, never," Matt stroked my back, "Even when you hug me as tight as you can, heh."

"I-I mean, like..." I sniffled, "Wh-When he comes and I'm there... does it hurt?"

Matt was quiet for a moment before sighing gently, "...Is that what he said to you? That by being with me you're causing me more pain?"

"...Y-Yeah... I-I'm sorry if I do, I-"

"Oh Daniel..." Matt said softly, his hand brushing over my muzzle and cheek as he paused, "...I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but that kinda comes with being in love, doesn't it? Worrying for each other's well-being."

"...Y-Yeah, but you gotta worry so much-"

"Maybe I do. But, even so, fear or worry is different than pain, and the things you do outweigh that fear and worry. Even the little things."

"...Little things?" I sniffled, "What little things?"

"Well... Like, the way you smile at me when you see me, or the way you gently squirm when I kiss you on the mouth or cheek. Even now, the way you're holding me right now, your hands wander ever so slightly... There are lots of little, subtle things you do that just... fascinate me? Bring me joy, in a way? I'm not sure how to say it..."

"...I-I squirm when you kiss me?" I smiled a little.

Matt chuckled softly, "In the cutest way, yeah."

"...I never noticed I did that."

"Well ya do, cuz you're too cute sometimes," Matt softly kissed my head again, "...It might be that I never had someone like you in my life before... but cherish what we have so damn much. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, even if I could get rid of Zakaroth and never deal with him again. I'd rather deal with him as I always have been, as long as you're here with me, making me smile, making my heart melt and my chest have that warm tingly feeling it always has when I'm with you... You have no idea how much all that you do means to me."

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