Chapter 38

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~Matt's POV~

Sarkis and Ignatius told me all about what I had missed. School, Christmas things, but the most important thing was the results of the incident with my condition at school.

They showed me the now-famous video of my Chaos magic acting up, and told me everything that happened with that while I was gone. I spoke with the King, Queen, Tezlus, Silvia, and Neilroth as well. Through the crystal ball, I had heard all their observations and news of the reactions over where they were. And overall, Humans and Anthromals alike were very concerned about me. Hearing it all the first time, I was anxious. Now... I'm just glad things are... I'm not sure if okay is the right word, but things aren't bad, I know that.

Turns out, HAUP had actually done a good job at keeping things quiet for the first week or so. Though, after that week is right when Dan and I 'disappeared' and complicated things for them. People wanted to know where I was, but nobody knew for sure. HAUP claimed they had me secure in their building, getting Queen Anastasia's aid to convince governments questioning that. It held up long enough, and meanwhile, Tezlus, alongside the King, had given speeches and went to various press conferences, hushing any radical opinions and sharing some more details about the situation. First and foremost, yes, unfortunately, it was indeed Chaos magic I had used. There was no way to cover that up. However, they made sure to make it clear that I was Matt Freeheart, brother of the Champion of Light, Sarkis Freeheart. They explained that Sarkis was with me as often as possible, watching over me, ensuring things were alright. Sarkis spoke out about it too, both on social media and on TV.

Everyone on my side was trying to assure the public it was all 'under control' when it uh... kinda wasn't at the time. Of course, the entire public was not so reassured initially. People were arguing about the details, throwing labels at me, discussing details that were entirely fake, made up, or that made me look bad... Some wanted me in prison, as a disaster was 'inevitable'... Some - and when I say some I mean it literally, a small amount - believed in what my side had said and had faith in us to find a solution. The world was... divided, on what to do with this information, as there was still the issue of the previous wielder of Chaos and how they looked suspiciously like me... which it kinda was, just Zakaroth using my body. The public will never believe me if I say that, not easily at least. We were going to mention that next actually, Zakaroth, however, since the holiday season had cropped up, people were preoccupied with that. Stuff about me sort of quieted down in favour of more jolly topics, so my side all intended to keep things quiet until the holidays were over. I certainly have enough to worry about right now...

Oh, and on a much lighter note, Kaithoss didn't argue with me when I said I wanted to be home for the holidays. He said he wished to discuss things again after New Year's, and he surprisingly left it at that. No warnings, no final words of wisdom, no nothing. He simply wished me happy holidays and ended the call. It was the most polite and... concise, he's ever been with me. So... That's one of the good things, I guess? Kinda suspicious... but eh.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Yeah, Sarkis?"

"Dan's here, and so are his parents!"

Confused, I went downstairs. Sure enough, Ignatius was letting Dan and his parents into the house, and Dan rushed partway up the stairs to hug me. I was a little surprised, as we weren't expecting them at all. I thought Dan's parents would be afraid of me and not let Dan come over, but clearly, I was wrong... or maybe they're still gauging the situation based on the look Dan's mother just gave me. A worried sort of smile, but also reassuring, if that makes any sense? Though, it surprised me more when I looked past her to see her husband as he... slithered inside. I couldn't tell from the hospital yesterday, the other bed was in the way, but Dan's father wasn't just a snake, he was a full naga! It caught me off guard, his body must have been like eight meters long! Between him, his wife, and his son, he was bundled up the most for the weather. Long knitted tubes of fabric went down his body, as his pale yellow scales definitely don't do well in the cold. Even still, I honestly can't believe that is Dan's dad!

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