Chapter 39

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~Dan's POV~

God... Why does my extended family make parties so boring?

Mom had planned a gingerbread house making thing, but one of my cousins was spontaneously deathly allergic to the gingerbread or gluten or something, so there was a bit of drama and it didn't end up happening and... It was... just bleh. And ugh. Ugh and bleh are how I'd describe this party right now. Everyone is just talking and eating the candy that was supposed to be for the gingerbread house thing... Also, Matt hasn't gotten here yet. He was gonna text me in advance when he was coming, but I'm still waiting on him, which is odd. Usually he-

"For the last time, gramps, stop pickin' on Dan!"

I jumped when Clyde, one of my cousins, said that right beside my ear. I was glad he was jumping to my defence at Uncle Marlowe's comment... but I wasn't even listening. Still, I knew where this was hopefully not going...

I cleared my throat, "W-What did he say?"

"See!" My uncle gestured at me with his wine glass, clacking his cane, "The boy agrees with me at last!"

My Uncle Marlowe was very well dressed, in a pristine white suit, and had a diamond-crusted cane he used to walk around. He's getting a bit on the old side, there's quite the age gap between him and his sister, which is my mum, and his fur is getting on the grey side, but very well-groomed. All in all, he's a rich pompous asshole who's way too old-fashioned.

"You need to get your ears checked you old coot! He asked what you said!" My younger cousin Ryan chimed in.

"Ryan!" My mother came into the room, "Do not disrespect your great uncle!"

My uncle nodded, "Thank you, dear-"

Mom interrupted him too, "Don't you 'dear' me! You know well not to insult my son, plus, it's Christmas time, try to show a little cheer!"

...Oh no, that look on his face... it's one of these timelines... Fuck, just this once, don't say it-

"The only thing cheery here-" my uncle took a swig of his wine, "-Is this wine, and the fact that your son hasn't latched onto another degenerate like himself or corrupted his cousins. I'm surprised the boy has even lived this long, I'd have disowned him long ago."

...Fuck... Still wasn't ready to hear that...

To make matters worse, my Uncle is hard at hearing, so he shouts sometimes... and this was one of those times. His comment had stopped everyone in the vicinity. We all knew he had always been like this, he made rude comments or always had a point of view that was more behind the times... but this... This takes the cake for the rudest he's been to me while I'm right there looking at him, and everyone heard it loud and clear. Nobody else knew what to do, they were all just staring in shock at my uncle as he took another drink of his wine, or they were looking at me as I sat there frozen for a second. It was dead silent.

...Even if I knew exactly what I had to say, a part of me had genuinely had enough of this prick saying shit like that about me. I stood up and stormed over to him. Before he said anything, I jabbed my finger to his chest threateningly, bearing my teeth and snarling.

"I'll have you know, you self-absorbed prick, that I have a boyfriend! He actually loves me, and everyone around us supports us! And, we all know that my relationship with him will last longer than yours with all your wives combined! You know why? You don't even care about your wives! All you care about is money and wine because you're such a pompous, narcissistic, self-absorbed asshole! I hope your marriage burns to the ground!" I glared at him angrily, saying out of the corner of my mouth to my uncle's current wife, "No offence meant to you, Auntie."

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