Chapter 37

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting, life's getting busy with me recently. Dunno when I'll post next, but I'm hoping it'll be sooner rather than later. Enjoy!


~ Matt's POV ~

I don't know how long I was unconscious. Just that, when I came too, every part of me felt achy and sore. Opening my eyes, I squinted against a bright light before shutting them again. I tried to move, but my wrists were restrained in some way? It was almost like I was handcuffed to a table... no something soft... a bed? Why...

Wait... Dan... Dan's not in my arms!

I opened my mouth, my voice scratchy and dry as I called out for him, pulling at the restraints, "...Dan? D-Daniel?"

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm. Squinting open my eyes again, I saw a vague golden blur and heard someone's dull tone of voice. I soon recognized Ignatius, and when another grey blob appeared beside him, I just knew it was Sarkis. Sarkis was saying something to me, but my ears were ringing, I couldn't make it out yet. I felt scared and confused, trying and failing to move my arms, as well as trying to sit up despite the soreness. I had to know what was happening. Yet, Ignatius pressed his hand to my chest, and I think he told me it was okay. I still couldn't hear him properly, but I trusted him, so I relaxed, trying to calm down. Ignatius applied a healing aura to my forehead, and my hearing came back quickly, as did every other sense. I realized I was in the hospital when I saw Ignatius' uniform and the clean white room around us.

"There you go," Ignatius said in a soothing tone, "Deep breaths, Matt... I'm sorry about the cuffs, but they insisted."

I looked down, examining the handcuffs on my wrists. They were no normal handcuffs, that much I could tell. Not only was their colour different, but the material felt different than metal, almost like plastic actually, but they were extremely heavy for plastic. I then recognized what they were.

"...Anti-magic cuffs...?"

Ignatius nodded sadly, "Yeah, sorry, HAUP insisted-"

"Where's Dan? Is he okay?"

"He's right beside you."

Looking to my left, then to my right, I saw Dan laying in a hospital bed like I was. A nurse was checking him, though he wasn't restrained, or hurt, at least not that I could tell. I sighed with relief, noticing Dan's mother was sitting in a chair by her son's bed. However, when the nurse moved out of the way, I saw someone else that I didn't recognize. They were some kind of snake Anthromal? Not to mention... they were looking right at me.

"It's good to see you're awake, Matt," Dan's mom smiled at me, "And don't worry, Daniel's just magically exhausted."

"The most we've ever seen him magically exhausted," The snake beside her added, his serpentine tongue flicking out his mouth briefly.

"Yes, it is quite a lot, but he should be fine by tomorrow morning," Ignatius nodded.

"Okay..." I looked back to the snake, who was eying me somewhat suspiciously, "...I'm sorry, who are you?"

Dan's mother chuckled, and the snake smiled slightly, saying, "Didn't Daniel tell you about me? I'm his father."

...Oh. Um... Dan told me about his dad, but never mentioned he was a snake! ...Nothing against snakes, not at all, but... wow, that's just unexpected. Dan doesn't even look remotely related to a snake!

"Oh, um..." I tried to smile, "Nice to meet you."

"I would say the sssame," He looked slightly down, at my cuffs, "But given the circumstances, I'm not sure what to say."

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