Chapter 14

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A/N: I'm finally back after like 6 weeks and feeling good enough to write again! Online school sucks, but I'm managing, kinda. No specific day for updates on the story this time because of school, but I'll try to be regular with new chapters. I probably won't be gone for another 6 weeks though! Anyway, enjoy this slightly longer chapter, and have a good day!


~ Dan's POV ~

Slowly, I woke up. My ears were ringing, my head was pounding, and I felt stiff and sore. Soon enough, my vision came back to me, blurry and wavering. I could eventually make out the ceiling of Sarkis' house, and some bright light source off to my right. I found I couldn't turn my head to look... and, actually, I couldn't move at all. No matter how hard I tried, my muscles just wouldn't move, I felt really heavy and stiff... The ringing in my ears died down enough for me to be able to hear things, but the sounds were dull for a good while. It was only after about a minute, when the light off to my right had dimmed, that I was able to make out Ignatius and Sarkis talking.

"How... H-How is he?" Sarkis said, sounding like he was out of breath.

"Fine..." Ignatius replied, "He's out."

"Good... What happened to you?"

"My left arm is petrified... Dan got the full brunt of it though."

Oh... shit, that's why I can't move. When someone is petrified, the muscles, except those necessary to live like your heart and diaphragm, just freeze up on the area you were hit. It can be reversed, thankfully, it just has to be healed... you know, before I die of starvation or thirst. Ignatius has Vitality magic, and I doubt they'd leave me here, so I should be fine... But still what the fuck happened? Matt was... Something happened... Why can't I remember? How did I end up petrified here of all places?

Sarkis walked into my vision, chest heaving, and he looked quite tired. His fur was not stone grey like it usually was, it was bright white, with golden markings that looked like swirls and runes decorating his fur. He looks like that when he's really using his Light magic quite a lot, which confused me. Why would he need to use Light so much? I've only seen videos of him looking like this and those were from when he became famous and fought that evil guy...

"...Is Dan... okay?" Sarkis asked, looking down at me

"I think so..." Ignatius replied, taking a sharper breath, "Agh, fuck, my leg got petrified as well, delayed reaction..."

Sarkis looked behind himself, "...You okay?"

"Yeah... Ugh..."

Ignatius came over beside Sarkis, his left arm very stiff and he was limping. Sarkis then crouched down and carefully picked me up off the floor.

"I knew..." Sarkis said, putting me on the couch, I think, "That this was... a bad idea..."

"Did Matt use magic today?" Ignatius asked.

"Yes, after gym class..." Sarkis cleared his throat, explaining and still catching his breath, "Dylan pinned him to a locker... using Magnetic magic, he bent the locker around Matt... Matt melted the metal and broke Dylan's control..."

"And you didn't mention that to me-"

"I was going to," Sarkis snapped, holding his head as if he was dizzy, "But... My phone was dead when I tried to text you... and then Matt had the bright idea of bringing Dan over, and we immediately started gaming so... yeah..."

"Oh... well next time tell me right when you get home, pull me aside into the kitchen or something..." Ignatius rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb, "Had I known, I wouldn't have told Dan anything, or at least have been more careful about what I said... It Matt even more unstable than before..."

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