Chapter 6

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~ Dan's POV ~

I tried a few things after the weekend and...just... Sarkis is really hard to read... I caught him looking at my butt when I bent over to pick up a binder I purposely dropped. So that was good, right? Well, later when we were walking in the halls, I saw his eyes flick down from some girl's face and they lingered a bit too long at her chest. So I was like, 'Okay, maybe he's bi'. But then, he caught me looking at his abs, and maybe a little lower than that, in the change rooms, but he didn't even mention it. So like...who the heck is he interested in? I'm getting mixed messages and I hate it. Or am I being impatient?

...Oh, by the way, Matt's here today. He must have gotten better over the weekend. I assumed it was the stomach bug that literally everyone but me had caught sometime these last two weeks. I dunno, maybe it was one of those random days where you get sick and then are immediately better. For me, sometimes my immune system is badass for a year, and then I get sick for a week in November or something. Anyway, the point is, I didn't think much of it when both Matt and Sarkis walked into class this morning. I was focused on thinking about Sarkis and how I could figure out his sexuality without making it too obvious what I was doing.

So, it was lunchtime, and we were all waiting in line. Matt and Sarkis were in front of me. I was on my phone writing - more like vomiting words through a keyboard - and every once in awhile I'd sneak a glance at Sarkis. I totally wasn't writing a fanfic of me and Sarkis together. It's probably really bad, so I'll save you from knowing what I've typed so far. Anyway, I did notice Matt seemed to be watching me out of the corner of his eye. He caught me looking at Sarkis, that's for sure. He didn't say anything though. I just thought I saw him smile a little more, which in turn made me blush a little. Finally, the line moved significantly, and we were able to grab our food at last. As we finally sat down at a table though, Sarkis suddenly got a call on his phone which he said he needed to take, so he abruptly left me and Matt to our lunches and went outside.

"So," Matt said, "I didn't miss much in physics on Friday, did I?"

"Nope, just a knowledge quiz that wasn't for marks, " I replied.


"How are you feeling by the way? Sarkis said you were sick."

"Oh... Yeah, I was, " Matt scratched the back of his head, "It was really sudden but I'"

"Was it the stomach bug that's been going around?"

Matt looked away from me, "...Probably."

We ate in silence for a little bit. Matt appeared to be deep in thought, while...well I guess so was I, heh... I just felt like I was missing something, some hidden meaning or something, with what Matt had just said. He seemed to hesitate a little. Or maybe that's just how he talks. ...I won't assume anything yet, but still...

"Ugh, why is it cold?" Matt grumbled, feeling the bottom of his slice of pizza.

"It's cafeteria food," I chuckled softly, "Highschool kids made it, and someone forgot to turn on the heat lamp from the one you grabbed."

"That's annoying," Matt raised his other hand slightly, snapping his fingers. When he flattened his palm, a small fireball materialized in his hand, and he began warming up his pizza with it.

I tilted my head, smiling slightly at all the heads that turned to look at him. I said, pointing off to my left "You know there are microwaves over there, right?"

Matt glanced up at me, then over to where the three microwaves were lined up beside the bistro in plain sight, "Oh, heh, I didn't see them."

I chuckled, "So you and Sarkis share Fire magic in common?"

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