Chapter 3

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~ ??? POV ~

I don't know why my condition spiked but then just faded away this morning, making me miss my morning classes entirely. I looked bad enough not showing up yesterday, now I look even worse showing up halfway through today... Oh well, I had to go today, I didn't want to miss a lot. At least lunch was nearly over, so I don't have to awkwardly sit alone in the cafeteria. I already ate before coming here anyway, so I thought it best to be spending my time walking around. Better to be looking around for my classes and getting to know the blandly coloured building a little instead of sitting around by myself then having no idea where to go.

As I walked down the halls, I heard this commotion coming from somewhere ahead of me, the source of which made itself apparent quite fast. This group of guys came out of a bathroom, laughing and talking to each other. At the center of the group of Humans was this panther Anthro. We briefly made eye contact as we passed by, but his friends were occupying him, swearing and slurring and joking about...something. I couldn't make it out over their combined shouts and laughter. So instead of asking them for directions to my next class, I kept walking. They seemed like...people I wouldn't want to hang around, to put it nicely. That panther was definitely glaring at me... I shook my head as their shouts finally became distant. I do not want them in my classes if they're going to be that loud all the time.

Stopping to pull out my schedule and check the room number I was looking for, my ears picked up a quiet sound. They twitched toward the bathroom, and listening more closely, it sounded like someone...crying? I immediately put away my schedule and walked to the bathroom, the same one those guys came out of. When I got in there, it was clear someone was crying. Going around the corner, I immediately saw him. He was a fox anthro, with stunning bright red and white fur. He on the ground, curled up in a ball, shaking and weeping into his arm. I could make out the flickering green aura of healing magic around this throat, and there was a lot of water around him, on his head...on the floor in one of the stalls... Oh my god, those guys...

"Are you okay?" I immediately said, going over to him, "What happened?"

He peeked open his eyes to look at me as I crouched and held out my hand. I was surprised to see his eyes were so green, like a bright, laser kind of green. He was still shaking a little, and he tried to speak, but all that came out was a sad and painful sounding cough. He put his hand back to his throat, trying to use his magic to heal himself. Of course, it didn't work well, if at all.

Without saying anything, I reached out and helped him to his paws. He was quite small, I could rest my muzzle on the top of his head fairly easily if I wanted to. And now that he's standing, I can see he's pretty thin. Those guys that came out of here clearly had hurt this fox, and by the looks of it, shoved his head in the toilet...

I gently took his hand off his throat, replacing his weak flickering healing aura with my stable one, "Here, let me."

He let me heal his throat, sniffling quieter now. He was trying to smile, but still quite shaken. He did seem surprised when I also waved my other arm and used some water magic to get the water out of his fur.

"Th-Thanks," His slightly higher pitched voice choked out.

"Don't mention it," I replied quickly, my eyes roaming around his head and directing my magic.

He was keeled over slightly, holding his ribs and trying to heal there as well, so I once again replaced his healing aura with mine. As he composed himself, I healed him and cleaned out the water from his fur, a small stream of it flowing through the air to the sink. It didn't take long for me to finish drying him, but I kept healing him a little longer. He'd be bruised... they kicked him in the ribs too...

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