Chapter 23

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A/N: Hello all, sorry for the later-than-planned update on the story. School's started again, got busy with that and other things so I haven't had much time to write/edit. I try not to rush and post these chapters for the sake of a weekly schedule, I try and write these so that they are good, tell the story in a way that makes sense and in the way I want. However, I was well aware how much I was deviating from that schedule and it did bug me. But finally, here's another chapter for y'all to enjoy! Have a good day!



~ Matt's POV ~

I barely took two steps out into the hall when I saw Sarkis coming towards me, looking worried.

"Hey, you okay?" Sarkis asked, "I heard you shouting, and felt a bit more Chaos in the aura. Everything okay?"


That was a while ago, wasn't it? We were gone for at least an hour, probably two! Sarkis usually checks quite fast, which would suggest we were gone for under a minute. But that's not possible...

"...Yeah," I cleared my throat, "I, uh, handled it myself this time. I-It wasn't that bad."

"Oh, alright. Good job..." Sarkis crossed his arms, "Where's Dan?"

"He's um... In the bathroom!" I said quickly, waving my hand behind me to close the bathroom door down the hall. I also leaned on the wall to block Sarkis' view of Dan's room, where Dan was currently unconscious on the bed. "H-He'll be out soon."

"Okay..."  Sarkis tilted his head, "You sure you're okay? You seem kinda... shaken up."

"I-I'm fine, just... still a bit surprised I handled it on my own, heh."

Sarkis smiled slightly, "Makes sense. Hopefully you can do that on your own more often... Strange that you don't seem magically exhausted this time though."

"I-I am, a little," I lied, "But, anyway, Dan and I are done our thing, we will join you guys in a few minutes. I'm waiting on him for the bathroom."

"Alright... What were you guys even doing?"

"Um... I-It's a secret?"

Sarkis raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Hmm... Alright..." He glanced down the hall at the bathroom.

"Yep. Just between Dan and I," I smiled, "Sorry, can't tell."

Sarkis rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I'm glad everything's okay, at least." He turned and walked away, "See ya downstairs."

"Yep!" I smiled, watching him go.

Once he was out of sight, and I was sure he was gone, I dashed back into Dan's room. As soon as I touched Dan's arm to check him, he opened his eyes and took a sharp breath.

"O-Oh!" I smiled, "Hey, you okay?"

"...Yeah," Dan raised his hand to rub his eye, yawning a little before looking at me, "When did I fall asleep?"

"Uh, you didn't? You're magically exhausted."

"...I am?"

I sat on the bed, confused, "...Do you not remember what happened?"

"...I remember a really weird dream that didn't make a lot of sense," Dan smiled a little, "I-It um... involved you... and we were in this weird place-"

"Dan, look around."


Scattered around the bed and on the floor near the bed were a few petals from the sakura tree. Once Dan saw the one I held up to him, his eyes went wide and he sat up, looking at all the rest.

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