Chapter 1

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~ Daniel's POV ~

I hate my life right now. No really, high school fucking sucks. I hate it. I have no friends, I constantly get bullied, nobody gives a damn about me, and basically, everyone fucking ignores me unless it's to humiliate me. Don't believe me? Well, I'm stuck inside my own locker right now. I can barely move and I'm a weeping mess in here. Nobody, not even the caretakers, had come by to help me for at least an hour. So yeah, I'd say my life's pretty shit right now.

My shoulders and side are getting crushed really awkwardly by the locker door, so my breathing feels weird and different. My neck is strained as well, the size of this locker forcing me to press my muzzle to my chest. Also with that stupid top shelf they put in, my vulpine ears are folded in all kinds of strange, uncomfortable ways. My tail is caught in the door, and my backpack is shoved under my legs too! Yeah, I didn't think I was that small, how the fuck do I fit in here!?

I was trying not to cry too much, but that was pretty hard to do considering my situation. Plus, everyone knows I'm a crybaby. I just get emotional sometimes, and right now, I was more than justified to be crying. I want to know how the fuck nobody has come by and seen me yet. My fur is bright red and white! As bright as the fricken Canadian flag! Surely they see the tuft of red and white that is my tail struggling to move because the locker door was slammed shut on it!

"C-Come on," I whispered to myself, my voice cracking even at such a low volume, "P-Please...someone..."

I was trying to focus, trying to concentrate. Trying to picture what my locker looks like from the hall. Just...spin the lock, back and forth, that's all I need to do... Come on...

My efforts were meekly rewarded, I heard the lock rattling a little, but that's all it's been doing this past hour. I can't get my magic to work. Being sad, humiliated, or depressed, kinda fucks with you, right? Well, your ability to use magic is no exception to what gets fucked by your mood. On any normal day, I could probably get something close to me but I can't see to spin back and forth, but today, right now as tears are rolling down my muzzle? Fuck no.

Eventually, through the small set of six slits on the top of the locker, I could hear what sounded like footsteps coming down the hall. It sounded like two girls chatting and laughing or something. I desperately waved my aching tail and tried weakly banging on the locker door with what little space I had left to move. I was in no condition to speak right now. But within the first few words of them speaking, I had a bad feeling.

"Oh my god, is that...?"

"Yeah, it is!" One of them laughed.

"Damn, Dylan's outdone himself now."

"Yea girl, your boyfriend is amazing!"

"H-Hey," My voice cracked again, "Britney p-please-" I yipped when the end of my tail was tugged on, and I heard them laughing harder.

The minimal light I had that came in from the six slits at the top of the locker darkened, and Britney's laughing became louder. After some giggling, she finally said, "H-Hey fox. What's wrong?"

"P-Please just-" I yipped again as my tail was tugged again.

"I told you not to mess with Dylan, freak!" She banged on the locker, making my ears ring, "Have fun in there!"

"N-No, wait..." I said, realizing how quietly I was choking that out and how loud those two were laughing as they walked away. They didn't hear me, and wouldn't have listened anyway.

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