Chapter 31

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A/N: I dislike when you get writer's block, then when it's starting to clear up, life suddenly gets so crazy you can't focus on any one thing for too long, such as writing this chapter. Managed to squeeze in enough time to get it to an okay state though, so here it is! Sorry about the wait. Coincidentally it's another long chapter, so maybe that supplements the wait time a little bit. Regardless, enjoy!

~ Sarkis' POV ~


I looked up, seeing Zakaroth was standing, but he appeared to be struggling against some invisible bonds. He had said my name, but his expression was far from the merciless, insane joy like it was like before. It was softer... scared, even.

"A-Attack," He said quietly, his head twitching violently to the side, "Th-The chest - rrrrrgh - h-hit the chest with a blast of Light..."

I realized it was Matt taking, "Matt... But, that'll-"

"I-I can't hold him much longer, just do it!" He barked.

Knowing there was no time, yet fearing for my brother's life, I raised my hand, trying to steady its shaking. I took what energy I had left and poured it all into my palm, focusing my Light magic into a bright gold laser blast. I aimed it for his chest but had to look away when I released it. I heard Matt's changed voice shout in pain, yet that was almost immediately quieted by a high-pitched ringing in my ears, and my vision went dark.

How long I was unconscious for, I don't know, but when I came to, I found myself in the hospital. I felt weak, still very magically exhausted, and a bit sore. I heard the sounds of a TV in the room, and looking down and around, I saw both the TV and those who were in the room watching it. Tezlus and Dan's mother were paying attention to the news broadcast, and to my right in two separate beds were Matt and Dan. I was relieved to see them both okay. Dan was still unconscious, and he had dressings on the cuts on his cheek and arm. Matt was already awake, looking at the TV.

"You're finally awake," Tezlus looked over at me, "Are you feeling alright, Sarkis?"

"..." I cleared my throat, "Yeah, just... still kinda surprised at what happened..."

Dan's mom nodded at me, "I should think so. I've never heard of a magic relic acting so dangerously on its own and causing such damage. I'm glad you were there to contain it, and to protect my son and Matt from it."

I was a bit confused, but Tezlus cleared his throat and drew my attention, looking at me like I should follow along with what he was saying, "Ahm, yes, you did well to react quickly and minimize the relic's damage, Sarkis, and do not blame yourself that you couldn't fully prevent it from affecting Matt and Daniel. It was quite a powerful relic you handled."


I get it now. That's the coverup story he came up with... Ah, yep, looking at the news broadcast on the TV, people were talking about the event and that confirmed what I was thinking. Tezlus had explained to them that a volatile magic relic he had been tracking down had caused the damage and destroyed itself in the process. He said that I had once again performed a heroic deed and prevented things from getting any worse, as well as protecting Matt and Dan.

"...So," I looked over at Matt, "...How do you feel, Matt?"

Matt blinked a few times, "Uh... tired... a bit sore... I'm okay though... Also wondering where Ignatius is, usually he's here-"

Just then, Ignatius burst into the room. He threw open the door quite violently, making us all jump as it slammed into the wall. His chest was heaving like he was out of breath, and he looked quite tired and worried... and almost scared or in pain, for a brief second...

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