Chapter 22

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~ Matt's POV ~

"...Hey Matt?" Dan mumbled.


"...Where are we?"

"...Heh," I smiled, "Let's figure that out, shall we?"

I had brought us out of the water some time ago. We had been laying in the soft grass, holding hands, cuddling, and either looking either at each other or the stars. I wanted to lay here with Daniel until... well I wasn't planning on stopping really. Yet, after a while of giggling quietly as we looked into each other's eyes and admired the stars... Daniel made an excellent point. Where we were and how we got here was a pretty important question to answer. Even more important was how we could get back. I'm not sure if either of us would want to be stuck here, even if it is with each other. By now Sarkis likely would have checked on us, and since we're not there, he's probably worried. As much as I would love to stay here with Daniel in this peaceful place, we have to find a way back home.

Getting up and looking around, Dan smiled, "...This place is gorgeous."

"It is," I nodded, standing and dusting myself off, "But it's definitely not your house... We must have teleported to get here. Maybe the burst triggered my ability to teleport and chose... wherever here is."

"...Then why was I so magically exhausted before?" Dan smiled.

"I... dunno, but you're right... If I teleported us, I should've been magically exhausted, not you... That's weird..."

"Mhm..." Dan looked up at the sky, "...And I'm sure it was daytime when we were at my house..."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, "...No reception... but, for some reason, the clock says it's the same day and time..."

"Try your GPS."

I swiped on my phone, opening the maps app and turning on the GPS, "...Mkay... Um..." I furrowed my brow, "It's... not working. It can't seem to find us..."

"Oh, that's great..." Dan sighed sarcastically.

"Mhm..." I pocketed my phone, pausing to look around once more, "...So... Do we... just start walking or...?"

"I guess?" Dan chuckled awkwardly, "Unless you could teleport us back."

"If I could, we'd stay here a while longer first..." I replied, picking up a sakura petal from the ground, "But... I don't know where here is, and where home is in relation to here - the two most vital pieces of information in order to teleport."

"You can't just picture home and take us there? Or, like, take Sarkis as a reference point, like you guys did with me before?"

I shook my head, "It'd be too dangerous. The potential distance I'd have to teleport us could be quite high. And since I use Chaos magic to teleport in the first place, short distances are far better. Less chance of... well, you know... it being unpredictable."

"Mhm..." Dan took a deep breath, "Well... Let's take a look around then."

We held hands as we walked around and explored this beautiful place. The greenery was lush and full of life, all kinds of plants covering this entire place. Some were bioluminescent, their soft glow illuminating our path almost entirely on their own. Some were even rare magically-reactive plants, they glowed or moved in response to our aura. The ones by me moved away and flashed all sorts of colours, and the ones by Dan moved a little closer to him, mostly glowing shades of blue, black, and green. We took our time searching the entire space, as there was no clear path out of here and the walls of this place were too steep and overhanging a little, meaning climbing out would be a challenge. Still, we took it all in. Who wouldn't take their time to admire a place like this?

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