Chapter 19

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A/N: Hello all! I just finished some final exams this week, and holy crap am I glad to have that stress gone. I hope everyone's having a wonderful holiday! I did have a Christmas chapter written, but I don't think it'll be out in time for Christmas, it is like 10 chapters after this one (yes I wrote that much in advance, will probably cut some of it out. I love working on this story lol)! Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and have a good day!


~ Matt's POV ~

Sarkis talked to me about my date with Beth before and after class in the change rooms this morning. He was offering a little advice here and there, Dan as well. Dan told me to try and be a bit more confident, and to 'just be cool' whatever that means. Once we left the change rooms, Beth was waiting for us. And from that moment forth, I swear, she never let go of my hand the entire rest of the day.

What's more is that Dylan was acting up today. He was doing his best to harass Dan during gym class, as well as throwing things at Dan during lunchtime. I did my best to multitask, redirecting the projectiles with my magic so they didn't hit Dan, but that was kinda hard while talking with Beth's friends. I know Sarkis would have helped, but he and Maia were up in the library doing something, so Dan was all alone at our usual table. I thought he would come over to sit with me and Beth's friends, so at least he wouldn't be alone. Like, maybe he'd kick me to try to hint that I should be confident or something. But, he didn't, he just sat alone the whole time... I wanted to go sit with him when I realized he wasn't going to come over here, but Beth and her friends dragged me away elsewhere halfway through lunch. So, by the end of the day, the only words that had passed between Dan and I were greeting each other this morning and quickly saying bye as Beth was dragging me to her car. I felt kinda bad about it... but I would have to talk to him later. I had just arrived at Beth's house. Date night... afternoon...? Whatever, I'm nervous.

I took a few deep breaths and tried to smile as I walked with her into her house, just as it was starting to rain outside. It was a nice house, kinda smaller than Ignatius' though. To the right of the front entrance was the living room, to the left was a small dining room and kitchen. In front of me was a hallway going left and right, the stairs to the basement directly in front of me. Oddly, it was warm in here, way warmer than outside.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Beth joked, nudging my shoulder, "Though I don't know what the heck is up with the thermostat. I'll try and figure that out, you make yourself comfortable, kay?"

"Sure," I nodded.

Beth went over to the stairs as I walked over to the living room. I set down my bag beside the couch and sat down. Soon enough though, I hear Beth from downstairs. She uh... was quite loudly speaking to someone on her phone.

"Ugh! It's not doing anything! It's making a weird noise! ...Oh my god it better not... It's raining out, I don't want to go sit in the rain! Fuck... Yeah I'll be fine, but I got friends over, how the hell do I fix this? ...What!?... Oh my god... fine... Yeah I know, bye... Ugh, what the hell..."

I looked over as she came up the stairs, guessing, "Is something wrong with the furnace or something?"

"Yep," Beth looked quite annoyed, standing by the stairs, "It's stuck on high! Sorry, you're gonna be so fricken hot with all that fur you got, but we can't go outside now it's pouring!"

Not gonna lie, I was getting quite hot, she was right, and looking out the window it was raining quite hard. Don't wanna spend all my energy keeping myself dry with magic, or deal with being soaked and having my fur all matted and gross...

"Well... it's okay," I smiled, "I can handle it."

"You sure? I'm sweating already."

"I'll be okay. Might start panting though, hope you don't mind."

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