Chapter 41

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~ Dan's POV ~

Today was really fun! Maia, Sarkis, Matt, and I went skating. Matt and Sarkis had not really gone before, plus, Maia had been telling me about how good she was at skating. Since I was a user of Ice magic, when we got to the rink I smiled and offered Maia a race since skating comes naturally to me. I was full-on expecting to win, but it was actually pretty close! Maia is really good and was neck and neck with me almost the entire time! I ended up winning just by a bit, but then we both focused on teaching Matt and Sarkis how to skate. Sarkis fell on his butt way too many times. Matt was a bit better, he never fell but almost did a few times. It was all in all a super fun time, lots of laughs all around!

The only catch was, we kinda had to use an illusion spell on Matt and Sarkis as... well you know, people weren't exactly comfortable in Matt's presence, even with Sarkis there 'guarding' him. We couldn't just disguise Matt either, cuz if Sarkis were seen not with Matt when he said out loud to the entire world quite a few times that he'd always be by Matt's side... well, you get it, it wouldn't be a very good situation. The best decision was to use Illusions on both of them. Funnily enough, they just changed their fur and eye colours and hid Matt's bracelets. That was enough to make them look different. We were able to enjoy ourselves without people staring at us all day. Though it was technically illegal for Matt and Sarkis to use illusions like that, I think this was justifiable. One, to not draw attention, and two, we all needed a bit of fun, and damn did we have a good time! We were home now, gaming and trying to extend the good vibes throughout the afternoon and evening.

Though... I should mention... another thing I wasn't anticipating happened. We came across Dylan. Or rather, I came across Dylan. Nothing bad happened... quite the opposite, actually. We were at the rink, Sarkis and Matt were out on the ice still while Maia and I were taking a bit of a break and sitting on the benches. I left to go to the bathroom, but it was kinda a long way there and back. On my way back, I took another route to see if it was faster and passed another rink where either hockey practice or an actual game was going on. However, it just so happens that the two new worst bullies were there, Brandon and Mitch. They were right by the door. I knew they'd try to antagonize me once I went by, and lo and behold, they did. They dashed up behind me, but I started running before they got to me this time.

"H-Hey, come on-"

"Shut it fag, c'mere!"

I rounded a corner, having a teeny bit of distance on them. I saw a black blur out of the corner of my eye and realized it was Dylan tackling me. I had no time to dodge, he hit me like a freight train and we tumbled to the ground, nearly hitting a doorframe too as well rolled through it. I yipped and was about to shout for help when Dylan clamped his hand around my muzzle and held me tightly to his chest, silencing me completely. He closed the door and brought us to stand. I was trying to break free but he held on tight.

"Shut up and settle down!" He whispered in an annoyed tone, looking out the crack in the door, "Do you want them to find us?"

That statement got me confused enough for me to settle down a bit, and right then and there, Brandon and Mitch ran by the door. I heard their confused and frustrated conversation, they had no idea where I went. Dylan surprisingly loosened his grip on me, putting a finger to his mouth and indicating I should be quiet. I gave him the most confused look I probably could have given someone, and he just smirked at me, then nodded his head sideways at the door. He raised his hand and started to use his magic.

"Where the fuck did that slippery-"

Dylan managed to use his Magnetic magic to move one of the benches back by the corner we had come from, as well as rattle a trashcan a bit further down an intersecting hallway. And to my surprise, they fell for it!

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