Chapter 8

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A/N: Wow, 200+ total reads already?! You guys are awesome! Thank you all for the votes, comments, and follows as well. I'm super glad you all seem to enjoy the story so far, and I hope you enjoy this next chapter as well! Have a wonderful day! :D

~ Sarkis' POV ~

Well, a few days have passed now. I had decided to call Dan and talk to him properly about...  his crush on me... I think I made him understand that I don't think dating a guy is for me, and I apologized for not telling him about Maia earlier. He had asked if she was my girlfriend, and...I said no, because she actually wasn't...though I didn't tell him that wanted Maia to be my girlfriend. Dan had told me he understood, but I could tell by his tone he was still quite sad. Even though I worry about that, I have something bigger to worry about. Today is the day that Maia and her Aunt are supposed to come over.

I had spent so much time this morning looking in the mirror. I had showered like twice, brushed my fur like three times, and brushed my teeth like twice. I wanted to look decent for Maia, make a good impression on her aunt as well. They'd be here any minute now. I know I don't have to fuss so much, but I really want this to go well. The last time I saw Maia was at her father's funeral. We didn't speak, or even go near each other really. Neither of us had the heart to approach the other. But now...she wants to see me again. And I really think I like her. I can't fuck this up, I really can't, but that even isn't the height of my worries. I still have Matt's condition to worry about, as well as how Maia reacts to that and...I'm just super stressed right now.

"Sarkis, they're here!" Ignatius raised his voice.

"Okay!" I called back.

I looked over myself one last time, fixing my clothes and taking a few deep breaths before turning around. I was wearing a pair of long black shorts, as well as a plain navy blue t-shirt. As I calmly made my down the hall, the doorbell rang. I made it to the stairs just as Ignatius answered the door.

I became even more nervous when I heard her voice. She sounded like I remembered, except this time she was happy and surprised. Hearing her voice not only made me realize, again, how much I missed her, but also how devastated she was the last time I saw her. She really does sound genuinely happy now...

"Ignatius!" Maia happily said, and I saw her hug him, laughing, "God, it's been too long!"

Ignatius laughed a little, "Yeah, it has! How've you been?"

"Alright, the move was tedious though," Maia stopped hugging Ignatius, looking past him and then at me. Her tone changed completely, it was still happy, just more surprised or hesitant, "...Hey Sarkis."

"Hey," I smiled, swallowing my nervousness as I reached the bottom of the steps.

Ignatius stepped aside to let Maia in. She had changed a little since the last time I saw her, but not by much. She was a fox Anthro, her eyes were hazel with flecks of brown here and there. She had the standard fox fur colours of orange, black, and white, except the orange looked beautiful on her. Not to mention her figure, since I saw her last either she lost weight or her hips widened, or both. She was about Matt's height, and now almost had an hourglass figure, which I could see quite clearly, as she was wearing a purple crop-top and black sweatpants.

Maia smiled at the door for a second before jogging up to me and hugging me tightly. She put her head to my chest as she squeezed me with her arms, "God, I missed you..."

I slowly hugged her back, "Yeah...I-"

"I'm sorry," Maia interrupted me, "I was just in a really bad place, I didn't mean to make you worry..." She drew back slightly, looking up at me, "I couldn't contact you guys until recently when really I should have tried way earlier," She gave me a sad look, "I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you...but I'm here now."

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