Chapter 56

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*Hye Sun POV

After I done taking my bath, I wore a nice dress as my mother told me that we will having a guest tonight. I went down stairs and went straight to the kitchen.

"Annyeong ahjumma," I greeted.

"Oh agassi, annyeong, why are you here?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just want to look around," I answered.

Okay," she replied as she continued doing her work.

"Umm ahjumma, may I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yes you may agassi," she answered.

"Did you know who going to come over tonight?" I asked.

"Huh? About that I don't know agassi," she replied.

"Okay then, thank you ahjumma," I said as I stand up and went to the movie room.

I turned the tv on and watched every channel but there is nothing attract me to watch it. I switched the tv off and just sit there looking at nothing.

I was into my thought that I don't realize my oppa were sitting next to me until he cleared his throat.

"Oh oppa," I said.

"Where did you go?" he asked that make me to frowned.

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

"Where did you go? That make you didn't realize, I came in here," he said.

"Oh no, I just thinking who will be coming here," I replied.

"You want to know?" he asked and I just nodded.

He was about to tell me but being stop by our butler, Mr. Gu.

"Young master, agassi, Mr. and Ms. Sung is calling," Mr. Gu said.

"Okay, we're coming, thank you," oppa replied.

After that we went out and meet our parents. We enter the relax room and sit infront of them.

"Mom, dad, who will be coming?" I asked.

"You will see," my mom answered.

"Honey, we have something to tell you," my dad said that make me to frowned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"But don't be surprise with what we will tell you, okay?" my mom said.

"Mom, dad, what is it?" I asked feeling suspicious.

They looked at each other and my mom was about to tell me but being stop when Mr. Gu knocked the door and came in.

"Mr. and Ms. Sung, sorry to interrupt but the guests is already arrive," Mr. Gu said.

"Okay thank you Mr. Gu, now kids, let's go see our guests," my dad said as he stand up and lead us to go out.

We waited the guests as they came and to my surprise, it was Jae Yong uncle and his family. I looked behind him and I saw Jr. with his sister, Eun Hee unnie.

"Welcome to our manor, Jae Yong-ah, Gayeon-ah," my dad greeted as they hug each other.

My mom and Gayeon auntie hug each other. I looked at my oppa and he doesn't look happy, I wonder why did he like that. I was into my thought until my mom hold my shoulder and Gayeon auntie is already infront of me.

"Wow, Hye Sun-ah, you grown up very well, you are beautiful, I envy you unnie, you are very lucky," Gayeon auntie compliment me.

"Oh thank you auntie but I'm not that beauty as your daughter, Eun Hee unnie," I exclaimed.

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