Chapter 75

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*Kyung Ah POV

I don't believe what had my family had done to me! It's hard to believe this, I'm so blessed with what is infront of me. Is this a dream? If yes, let me just sleep and enjoy this dream.

"Kyunggie, walk!" my brother buzzed that snap me back to the reality.

A smile appear on my lips as I watch my handsome prince infront of me that wanted to run to me but being stop as his father say something to him. You guys know who right? No? Guess what, it's Jr. oppa!

As I reached, Jr. oppa took my hand and lead me beside him and waited for the paderi say his words. After a while, both of us exchange our words and rings and there it goes when the paderi tell him to kissed me.

I was in my own world as he kiss me passionately until our parents cleared their throat and that is when we broke the kiss and smile to the guest that came to our wedding.

After that we walked out from the hall and there we met Hye Sun unnie with her groom, Myungsoo oppa. I ran to her as she also ran to me and we hug each other.

"Unnie! Congratulation~" I cheered.

"Thank you, you too congratulation, be happy with him," she conceded.

"I will, you too be happy with him," I said and walk back to Jr. oppa's arm and we headed to the car.

He opened the car door for me and I hop in before him. Max drove off from the hall and both of us wave to our parents until they are out of sight.

"Oppa!" I called as I hug him.

"I miss you," he sang.

"I miss you too!" I said as I cuddle closer to him.

"I was sad when I think that you were going to marry L hyung and not me," he pouted.

"Not just you! I was very very sad when I knew that you are going to marry Hye Sun unnie!" I grumbled.

"Aigoo, this wife of mine are very cute when she is mad," he said as he pinched my cheek.

"Oppa it hurts!" I bawled.

"Mian," he apologized.

"Kwaenchana," I assured him and peck a kiss on his lips.

A smile appear on his lips and lean closer to me that make me to blushed. Before anything happen, I stop him and closed his mouth with my hand that make him to be sulked.

As we arrived, he carried me like a bridal style into his mansion and waited for Max to put our luggages on the floor. After that, Max left and he locked the door before brought me to his room and put me on the bed.

After that, he take off his tux as well as my dress and after that you know what happen when someone is already lie down on their bed after wedding.

*Hye Sun POV

"Myungsoo-ah," I chirped as I want to zipped my dress but I can't reached it.

"Yes jagiya, what do you want?" he asked that make me to blushed.

"Can you zip this for me?" I questioned as I show him my back.

"Sure, anything for you jagiya," he responded but as I can feel is a bare hand was touching on my bare back.

"Myungsoo, please not now, we are going to the wedding party where our family were waiting," I pleaded.

"Urgh! Okay! But after the party, I will do it!" he yammered.

I just smile and shook my head. After he done zipping my dress, I whirled around to met with Myungsoo's chest. I looked up and there he goes again, snatched a kiss from me that make me to blushed before running away like a little kids.

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