Chapter 53

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*Myungsoo POV

I went into my room as I try to to calmed myself down. I throw myself onto my bed as I looked madly at the ceiling.


"With who?" I said.

"You will know when you already got your result, so you better prepare yourself," my father said.

"Is it someone I know? Is that girl really close with me? Is that girl, Hye Sun?" I asked.

"You have to wait for your result to come out first then you will know who is the girl that you were going to be engaged with," my mother said.

"But, I want to know now," I said.

"You have to wait," mother said.

After that I excuse myself and went to my room.

*End of Flashback*

"I have to wait?! But why?" I asked myself.

I was busy thinking about the unknown girl that will be engaged with me until I get tired and fall asleep.

*Hye Sun POV

I went into the kitchen as the dinner is already prepared. I sat on my seat and eat my dinner. After a while when we already done our dinner, Hyun Jae oppa came.

"Annyeong mom, dad," he greeted.

"Oh you came? Did you already eat your dinner?" mom asked.

"Huh? Ne, I already ate my dinner," he answered.

"Oh okay, it must been hard for you to work till this hour, yeobo you shouldn't make him work like this," mom said.

"Haha, mom kwaenchanha, I still can handle it," oppa said. "Hah dad, did you have time?" he asked.

"Huh? Ne, wae?" dad replied.

"I have something to ask you," oppa said.

"Okay," dad replied.

After that they went to my dad's office and I was about to eavedropped what they want to talked about but being stop by my mom. I can't just ignore her so I just obey and follow her. I company her in the relax room.

*Hyun Jae POV

I went in after my dad and sit infront of him. It was silent because I afraid that my question will make him mad so I just wait for him to say something. Not long after that, he cleared his throat that make me to looked at him.

"So son, what do you want to ask about?" my dad asked.

I take a deep breathe and looked in his eyes. "Dad, are you sure, you want to do the plan?" I hesitately asked.

"Yes, I am sure, and all of my friends already started the plan, only Jae Yong and me still hasn't start it," dad exclaimed.

"But dad-" I was cut off.

"No but, I just want to see how long are they going to be together," dad said that make me to shut my mouth off.

"So is that what you want to ask?" my dad asked.

"Ne," I replied.

"Okay, now you may rest, it's been hard for you to work at the office," dad said.

"Okay dad, thank you, good night," I thanked him and went out from the office.

I was about to climb up the stair but being stop by someone so I spun around and looked at that someone and it was my beloved sister.

"Oh Hye Sun-ah, wae?" I asked.

"Oppa, are you okay? Is there something wrong?" she asked back.

"Oh Hye Sun, mianhae, oppa have to do this," I uttered in my heart while looking onto her feature.

"Oppa? Oppa? Waeyo? Kwaenchanha?" she asked me again after I don't gave her the answer she want.

"Oh? Ne, I'm okay," I answered.

"Oppa, I know you are lying," she said.

"She grown so fast!" I uttered in my heart. I sighed and just gave her a smile.

After that I left her dumbfounded and went upstairs to enter my room. I lock the door and throw myself on my bed.

"How am I suppose to do now?! I can't bear to see her sad!" I muttered while looking at the ceiling.

Not long after, my phone ringing and I looked at the caller ID and it was Eun Hee, my beloved girlfriend, so I answered it with my fake happy voice.

"Yeoboseyo?" I greeted.

"Oh, oppa, can we meet? I have something to tell you," she said.

"Now?" I asked.

"Ne, but if you are tired, it's okay, we can meet tomorrow," she replied.

"Aniya, I also have something to tell you, so we meet at our usual place?" I said.

"Oh okay oppa, see you later," she said.

After that we end the call and I eruptly change my clothes. I took my key car and went out from my room. I tell Mr. Gu that I'm going out for some business and if anyone searching for me just tell them that I went out to see someone.

I started my car and went out from the manor. I drive to our main place where we always met when we were out for a date, it was on the nearest cafe. After I arrived there, I can see that Eun Hee is already there waiting for me.

I smile and locked my car. I walked over to her and slowly approached her. I was planned on surprising her but instead of me surprising her, she was the one who is surprising me with hugging me tightly.

"Hey, Eun Hee? Why are you like this? Kwaenchanha? Is there something wrong? Hey," I said as I can feel that my clothes is slowly sweating.

*That's all!
Sorry for the late update, I've been busy, I don't know when is my free day. I already been packed by all of my teachers whole this year, so I'm sorry for the late update.

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