Chapter 54

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*Eun Hee POV

I went to the cafe where Hyun Jae oppa and me will met. I waited for him at our usual table. I order capuccino one and vanilla latte one.

Not long after I can see Hyun Jae oppa's car. I can sense that he want to surprise me so I came up with a plan. After awhile, he was approaching me slowly to make me surprise but instead of him surprising me, I do mine first and he was totally shock with what I have done.

"Hey, Eun Hee? Why are you like this? Kwaenchanha? Is there something wrong? Hey," he said as I started to cry.

"Hahaha, oppa you got mine!" I shouted in my heart as a smile appear on my lips.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hyun Jae oppa asked as he pushed me and looked into my wet eyes.

He wiped my tears away from my cheeks and make me to sit as he take a sit infront of me. I looked at his worried expression and I can't bear to not laughed.

He looked at me with a weird look as I laughed my heart out. I can't stop laughing until I saw that oppa's expression change to a serious one.

"Mian oppa, I just wanted to fooling around before our serious conversation," I said as I can sense that the atmosphere is slowly change around us.

"That is not funny, you know that I was worried if anything happen to you, I would hurt anyone if anything happen to you, you know that, right?" he said.

"I know oppa, mian," I apologize.

"Don't do such a thing like that ever again," he warned me.

"Arasso oppa," I exclaimed.

Not long after that, the drinks that I order earlier is arrive. The waiter put the cup on the table and I helped him to give Vanilla Latte to Hyun Jae oppa and Cappucino is for me. I thanked him before he continued with his work.

"So oppa, what did you want to tell me about?" I asked.

"You first," he replied.

"No, oppa first," I said.

"Okay then, it's about the plan, are you really want to do it?" he asked.

"O..oo.. here it come again!" I uttered in my heart.

"Eun Hee-ah, if you don't want then we don't have to do it," he said.

"Oppa, this is what our parents want, we can't just ignore what they want ," I exclaimed. "And the reason why I want to see you right now is..." I said as I tilted closer to him and whispered something.

"Really? You know that I'm bad on doing that," he said.

"Oppa, you can do it! Fighting!" I cheered him up.

"What if I can't?" he asked.

"Then you know what will happen next," I replied.

"Okay, I will try, but promise me, you won't do something stupid!" he exclaimed.

"Arasso oppa," I replied.

After that we continued our conversation until the day grow old.

*Kyung Ah POV

I walked out from my bedroom and proceed to the dining room. I sat there and eat my breakfast silently. After I done eating, I bid goodbye to my parents and get in the car as my driver drove me to school.

I was moody when I came to the school. I went to my locker and put some of my things in there. I proceed to my classroom and sit on my usual place.

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