Chapter 8

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*Kyung Ah POV

"I know, you said that I was a playboy but seriously, I'm not a playboy like everyone were saying, yeah, I may out with some random girls but I never date them, like never, so please believe me and what I want to ask you is, will you be my date for tomorrow?" he said as I looked into his eyes. His eyes looked sincere.

"Wait up! Did he just take me out for a date tomorrow? But why?" I mumble inside my heart.

"Kyung Ah-ssi, will you?" he asked unpatiently.

"Huh? Can you give me some times? I need to think, I will give you my answer later," I asked.

"Okay, but how are you gonna tell me your asnwer? Did you perhaps have my number?" he said make me to face palm myself.

"Oh mian, but I don't have your number, so can I have your number?" I asked.

"Okay," he answered before he take his phone out from his pocket.

After that we exchange our phone number and I excuse myself to back home. I hop in into my car and Max just drove the car to my house.

He sent me infront of my house and I went inside as my butler, Mr. Han open the door for me. I bowed toward him and went straight to my room.

I stared on my ceiling and think if I should accept him or not but still I can't decide. Suddenly an idea came across my mind. I reach my phone and dial someone.

*Hye Sun POV

I open my eyes as my alarm is ringing. I stop it and went to my bathroom to take a shower. After that, I do my everyday routine before I went down to have my breakfast.

When I enter the dining room, I saw my lovely brother that last night he is sulking because of Troll oppa and my sudden action. I greeted him as he does also.

"Oppa, you can have your vacation," I said that makes him to smile widely.

"Jinjja?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes," I answered.

He then happy as he punching the air like he just win a trophy. Just then he stop his punching as I started to speak.

"But..." I was cut by him.

"Ah, why should he gave a vacation if it have a BUT in it?" he whined that make me to rolled my eyes.

"Can you please not intrupt me when I spoke?" I exclaimed.

"Arasso," he said.

"Dad only gave you, a weekend break for two days so tell unnie that you guys will go on a date this weekend," I continued what am I supposed to talked.

"Thank you sis, for the help, I really appreciate it," oppa said that I just give him a slight nod and my.lovely smile.

After I done eating my breakfast, I bid my brother a goodbye and tell him to send my regard to my parents. I hop in into my car as my driver, Chiwung started the car and went straight to my school.

I hop down from my car and went in into the school building. I walked trough the hallway to my locker. As I had done putting all of my things in my locker, I went to my class.

I hung my bag beside my table and I put on my earpiece to both of my ears and listen to EXO's songs such as growl, wolf, miracles in December, XOXO, and their latest song overdose.

I was deep in listening their music as I was startled when someone poke my cheek. I looked at that person and that person is Myungsoo. I unplugged the earpiece and greeted him as he does also.

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