Chapter 33

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*Myungsoo POV

As we enter the dorm, I looked around the dorm and wow, it was clean, maybe they tidy everything up before Hye Sun came. Boys~

We went to the living room and I searched for Hye Sun. As I spot her, sit down on the couch beside Kai, I felt that my heart is being stab by someone but I shrugged it off.

"Guys! Myungsoo and his friend is here!" Chen shouted.

"Oh hey L! And you are?" D.O said.

"Jin-young imnida, just called me Jr.," Jr. said.

"Okay, hey Jr. nice to meet you," Chanyeol said.

"Myungsoo, why are you here?" Hye Sun asked me as I approached her and Kai.

"Chen invited us," I answered.

"Oh, have a sit," she said as she patted the empty seat beside her right.

"Okay, thank you," I said as I sit beside her.

"L, can I asked you about something?" Kai asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I said.

"Did you have a girlfriend?" Kai asked that make me widen my eyes.

"Ah? Wh..y are you suddenly asked me that question?" I manage to not stuttering.

"The other day, I heard from the girls in our school said that you told them that you already have a girlfriend, is that true?" he asked.

"Where is that come from? I don't even talked to other girls than Hye Sun and Kyung Ah," I stated.

"Myungsoo, don't lie," Hye Sun said that make me to frowned.

"I'm not lying," I defensed.

"Really? Okay I'll believe you but if you have one, tell me first!" she stated.

"Okay~" I cooed.

"Hyung, where is Kyung Ah?" Jr. asked me as he take a sit next to my right side.

"How should I know, remember I just came here along with you," I answered.

"Umm.. noona," he called Hye Sun that were busy talking with Kai that make me pissed.

"Yes Jr.?" Hye Sun asked.

"Can I know where is Kyung Ah?" Jr. asked as he rubbing his nape.

"Oh, I don't know maybe she's in-" Hye Sun was cut off by Suho.

"Chanyeol can you called Baekhyun to come inside, it's cold outside and it's not good for Hye Sun's friend to be outside," Suho said that make Jr., me and Hye Sun to change our gaze to him.

"Okay hyung," he replied as he make way to the balcony.

"Jr.-ssi hold your anger, don't be jealous, maybe they just talking," Hye Sun whispered to him.

He just nodded and sit next to me trying to hold his jealousy. He drink some water to cool himself down. I just looked as he drink too much water. I try to stop him but he won't stop.

"D.O, go see what takes the kids so long out there, it's cold outside," I heard Xiumin hyung said.

With that, D.O went out to see them. I was bored so I take out my phone and play game. I keep on losing the games as a groaned get out from my mouth. I stop playing and change my gaze to Hye Sun but she still talking with Kai and Sehun.

"So bored! Why did Hye Sun talked with other guy! Am I not existed?! Yah Sung Hye Sun, talk with me! Stop talking with other guys! I'm jealous!" I shouted in my heart.

Just then my thought had been interrupted by Suho. I looked at him and he seemed to pissed off as he shouted.

"Yah! Chanyeol, D.O, Baekhyun! Come inside, it's cold outside, it's not good for Kyung Ah!" Suho shouted.

After that, they came inside. All of us looked at them as they take a sit but there is something weird, why did Baekhyun pulled Kyung Ah closer to him?

"This is weird, did he cheated with my sister? What is their relationship? What is Baekhyun's father name again? And what is Kyung Ah's father's name?" there is so many question on my mind.

"Baek, Kyung Ah, what are you two doing?" Luhan hyung asked that make me to get back to the reality.

"Yeah, you guys looked suspicious, did you two couple? Yah Baekhyun, are you cheating with Taeyeon noona?" Chen uttered.

"What?! Cheating?!" I suddenly shouted.

"Myungsoo, why are shouting? Did you know Taeyeon unnie?" Hye Sun asked.

"Ofcourse he know, Taeyeon noona is his noona," Jr. answered.

"What?!" all of them shouted in unison.


*Sorry the continuation is next chapter this chapter only after Myungsoo and Jr. came. :) enjoy~

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