Chapter 48

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*Myungsoo POV

I was struggling with Jr. until I sense that the girls were already stop laughing so I tap Jr. hand and he looked at me with a questioning look. I tilted my head and look at the two girls infront of us as he does also.

"Hyung, what are they whispered about?" Jr. whispered.

I just shrugged and move slowly to the girls as Jr. just looked at my action.

"Hyung what are you doing?" Jr. asked.

I put my finger tip on my mouth as a command for him to shut up and just follow my action instead of talking. We walked near the girls and put our faces to close to them.

I was about to hear what they were talking about until the two girls spun around and our faces were just a few meter apart and can see that Hye Sun is blushing.

"What are you two girls talking about? Is it that very private?" I asked.

"Yah! Why are you two so close?!" Hye Sun shouted as she push my face away from her.

With what Hye Sun just do to me, the two love bird beside her just laughed until Jr. lie down on her bed as he put his head on Kyung Ah's lap.

"Hyung is it that hurt?" Jr. asked.

"Hahaha funny, yah! Sung Hye Sun! What is that? Why did you push my face like you push a door? What if anything happen to my handsome and precious face? No one will like me anymore and if that happen, I will get you," I teased.

She scoffed. "Like I care Kim Myungsoo!" she shouted as she rolled her eyes.

"Jr. oppa, let go outside, I want to go to the kitchen to help auntie downstairs," Kyung Ah said make all of us to look at her.

"Okay kaja!" Jr. exclaimed as they stand up and went out from the room without looking back and left me alone with Hye Sun. It was silent after they left, no one utter anything. Then I cleared my throat as I sat infront of Hye Sun.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked.

"Fine," she simply replied.

I just nodded as a respond. I don't know what else to said to her. Should I confess to her? Or just wait for the right time? Is that even make sense?! Wait for the right time? Now is the right time!

"Myungsoo?" I heard Hye Sun called me interrupted my thought.

"Huh? What did you just say?" I asked feel lose.

"See you don't even hear me," she sighed.

"Mian, I have something to think," I apologized.

"It's okay, what I asked earlier is why did you avoid me all this past day? Did I do something wrong? If I have so I want to apologize," she asked.

I sighed. "No, don't be, I was the one who should be apologize because I was the one who avoided you, I'm sorry, I avoid you because I think you need some space to get closer to the guy you love, I'm sorry," I sincerely replied.

"Pabo!" she stated that make me to frowned.

"Huh? What is that suppose to be?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't even know who is the guy I love," she stated as she pout. Cute!

"Hye Sun," I called. "Okay, this is it!" I shouted.

"Wae?" she asked.

"I.. umm.. I," I was stuttered.

"You what?" she asked.

I sighed. "I love you! That what I suppose to said! But why I can't let it out?!" I shouted in my heart.

"Myungsoo? You what? Are you okay?" she asked.

I sighed. "What I want to say is I-" I was about to say it until someone interrupted me by barge in to the room.

"Hyung, noona! Come down, it's time to eat," it was Jr.

"Thanks for ruining my confession!" I shouted as I gave him a death glare.

*Done.. enjoy~

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