Chapter 69

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*Kyung Ah POV

"Oppa! Eodiseo?" I shouted as I search for Jr. oppa around Hye Sun unnie's mansion.

"Oppa!" I shouted again.

But still there is no answer from him so I went upstairs to search for him cause I think that he was in one of the room maybe showering or not, he was sleeping.

I opened the door one by one but still I can't find him so I went back down and entered the living room. To my surprised there he were watching a romance movie. He was into the movie that he didn't realize me sit next to him until I cleared my throat.

"Oppa, didn't you hear me calling you?" I asked feeling irritated.

"I don't hear you, mian," he said still his eyes glued on the tv screen.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me like this?" I asked.

"I'm not ignoring you," he replied.

"Then why didn't you look at me when you were talking?" I asked.

"Jagiya, I'm busy watching this movie," he answered.

"Busy? Really? Then is watching that movie important than me, your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Jagiya, why are you being like this? Why are you mad? Is there something bothering you?" he asked like he is innocent.

"Just forget it, if you need me, I'll be in my room or you might not need me so it's okay, jalja," I said before I went out from the living room and went to my room.

I entered the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that I went out with my towel on and to my surprised I saw Jr. oppa was looking at me with wide eyes and his jaw drop.

", wh..why a..are yo..u" I stuttered.

"Huh? I was worried about you that I think that I might hurt you or something," he said as he looked at the floor.

"Kwaenchana oppa, by the way oppa, mind get out from my bedroom? Cause I need to wear my pajama," I said as I cover my bare skin.

"Ah ne, mian," he said before he went out.

I sighed as I closed the door and went to the closet. I picked out a grey t-shirt with a long grey pant. I wore it and jumped onto my bed. I tugged myself under my blanket and stared onto the ceiling.

"Did he prepare to leave me?" I asked myself as I spun around to the left.

After a few minutes, I closed my eyes and drifted to Dreamland.

*Jr. POV

I waited for Kyung Ah to wore her pajamas outside her room. After a few minutes, I heard someone talking and that someone is Kyung Ah. I leaned closer to the door and eavedropped what is she talking about.

"Did he prepare to leave me?" she said.

"Why did she think that?" I said in my heart.

I stayed outside her room for a few minutes to think about what should I do to make up with her. But any ideas that came to my mind are all useless so I knocked her door but there is no answer from her so I went into her room and saw she was lying on her bed.

I approached her and looked at her peaceful face. I tugged her strain hair behind her ears that blocking some of her peaceful face. I leaned closer to her face and examined her face, I looked at her beautiful eyes and I realized that she had a long eyelashes.

I looked down to her nose and then stop at her pink lips. I gulped down as she licked her lips. I straighten my back and fan my face as I can feel that my face is burning. After that without me controlling my body, my feet suddenly walked by itself and my body eruptly lay on the bed beside her.

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