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(A/N) Hey, I saw this thing where people were talking about what their fav singer's voice reminds them of. So, what does Adam, Jack, and Ryan's singing voices remind you of?

Jack's voice reminds me of when you become aware of your heartbeat and it feels oddly surreal.

Ryan's voice reminds me of the moment when you know you're about to cry, and when you've been in a body of water for so long that you start to feel phantom waves while you lay in bed.

Adam's voice reminds me of the feeling you get when you can't remember if the thing you're thinking of actually happened or if it only happened in a dream.


Ryan: You're being a little harsh.

Jack: Thanks, that's good to know. I was trying to be extremely harsh so I'll crank it up a bit.


Ryan: What would you do if I got kidnapped?

Jack: Nothing. I'd wait fifteen minutes until they'd give you back voluntarily.


(While they're on tour)

Adam: Oh no! We forgot Jack!


Adam: He'll be fine.


Jack: Depressed.

Adam: Stressed.

Ryan: Chicken breast.

Adam and Jack: ......... What?

Ryan: I just wanted to be a part of something.


Adam: When I die, dedicate my entire body to science.

Adam: Except my middle finger..

Adam: Give that to my brothers.


Jack: I met someone today.

Jack: I think I'm in love.

Jack: They have the most beautiful face I've ever seen!

Adam, sighing: Show me the dog.


Ryan: Guys will brag "I haven't cried in six years". Okay, Chad, go to therapy maybe. That's not a flex.


Ryan: Imagine if you came home one day and everyone was quietly reading.

Adam: That would be suspicious.


Jack: I can explain.

Ryan: Can you?

Jack: Yeah, if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.


Jack and Ryan: Just because you're hot doesn't mean you're better than us!

Adam: Yes it does.


Ryan: What are you doing?

Adam, pouring two cans of monster into his coffee: Trying to die.


Job Interviewer: Your resume says you're creative, what do you create?

Jack: I-

Adam, from the background: Problems. He creates lots and lots of problems.


Jack, texting Ryan: Where the duck are you?

Jack: Wait, duck autocorrect.

Jack: *Duck

Jack: *Duck

Jack: *Duck

Jack: *Duck

Ryan: Goose.


(At a dive bar)

Ryan: Look, I know you're disappointed, but we should at least have one drink.

Adam: Yeah, Ryan's right.

Jack, wearing flippers, a wet suit, and a snorkel: I'd like to leave please.


(Ryan and Cat on their first date)

Ryan and Cat: *Staring into each other's eyes*

Adam and Jack: *Opens soda can*

Ryan: Can't you see that Cat and I are having a romantic moment?

Jack, taking a sip of his root beer: Yeah, and can't you see Adam and I are having a refreshing can of soda?


Ryan: You should apologize to them.

Jack: Fine! But I'm warning you, this will make me a better, nicer person, and that's NOT who your favorite little brother truly is!


Adam: One thing men will always have is the audacity.

Ryan: I just took one bite.

Adam, crying: OF MY CINNAMON ROLL!


Jack: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.

Person: Don't you mean tricks?

Ryan and Adam: He does not.


Adam: Jack, my precious baby brother, I would cross oceans and mountains for you. I would fly into darkness if I knew it would make you happy.

Jack: Can I have some of your fries?

Adam: I'm sorry but these are, unfortunately, my fries.


(Ryan, being interrogated)

Officer: You need to talk, give us answers!

Ryan: Nope! I'm not snitching.

Officer: You know there's a reward for answers, 10,000 dollars.

Ryan: *starts to sweat, and cuts him off*

Ryan: What I MEANT to say, was that I wasn't gonna snitch, because I was going to be splitting the money with Adam and Jack. Here's their numbers.

(This was submitted by -TheOneLB-)

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