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(A/N) How long have you been a fan of AJR?


Jack: I would jump in front of a car for you!

Adam: You would jump in front of a car for fun.


Jack: Who the f*ck?!

Ryan: Language!

Jack: Whom the f*ck?!

Ryan: No.


Kidnapper: I've locked you three in my basement because I crave the deadliest game.

Ryan, nodding: Knife monopoly.



Kidnapper: I was actually going to tell you guys to kill each other and whoever survives will be let free, but now I'm kinda interested in what knife monopoly is.


(When they were kids)

Jack: There's a monster under my bed and it's really ugly!

Ryan, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, f*ck you.


Adam: Everyone's always talking about e-boys this and e-girls that!

Adam: But no one's talking about the e-conomy.


Jack: Why are we laying on the ground?

Adam: You got knocked out so I laid next to you so everyone would just think we were chilling.


Adam: I'm dad inside.

Adam: I meant dead inside.

Adam: *Looks over at Ryan, Jack, and the whole AJR fandom*

Adam: Actually, no I didn't.


Ryan: Hello officer. I'm, uhh, colorblind. I didn't know the light was red.

Officer: Okay, but you stole this car-


Ryan: A gentle reminder that you are loved and beautiful.

Jack and Adam: No.

Ryan: That was a gentle reminder, but your words of defiance have brought me ungodly amounts of rage.


Teacher: Metzger, may I speak to you in private?

Jack: Ooh, someone's in trouble!



Jack: It's me. I don't know why I did that.


Ryan: If someone gave you 200 dollars for being ugly, would you take it?

Adam: I'm not gonna decline 200 dollars just because they have bad eyesight.


Jack: *Sees ladybug*

Jack: *Tips hat* Ma'am.


Jack: I'm never going to use this math in the real world!

(Later that day)

Adam: Okay, we go on the count of three!

Jack, under his breath: Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck-


Ryan: *Unzips his fanny pack and pulls out a smaller fanny pack* Does this answer your question?

Adam, with his mouth full of cereal: I didn't ask you a question-


Adam: What are you doing?

Ryan, standing on the table: I live here, you know. I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much.



Adam: Where's the spider?

Ryan: Under the table. Please hurry and kill it so I can come down.


Ryan: And what do we do when we're sad? We hug our baby brother! *Tightly hugs Jack*

Adam, nodding: We hug our angelic baby brother! *Tightly hugs Jack*

Jack: gUYS, I CAN'T BReAtHE-


Ryan: Jack has already turned into a ghost!

Adam, giving an exasperated sigh: No, he ran into a shelf and knocked himself out and then one of the white sheets fell on to his unconscious body.


(In the future)

Ryan, trying to teach baby Winter to sing the ABC'S: C'mon, you can do it Winter! A, b, c, d, e, f, g 🎶

Baby Winter: A, d, e, g, f, b! 🎶



Adam: Just tried watermelon on pizza, and honestly, it was pretty good.

Jack: That's him, officer. That's the guy right there. Take the shot before he gets away.


Adam and Jack: We're going to fight the next person who insults Ryan!

Ryan, sadly: I hate myself.

Adam and Jack: Okay, square up you beautiful piece of sh*t.


(When they were younger)

Jack, sneaking in after staying out late:

Ryan, confronting him: What are you doing?

Jack: I, um, nothing-

Ryan: I'm going to tell mom.

Jack: Wait, please don't tell mom-

Ryan: Why shouldn't I?

Jack ........ Because I'm adorable?



Ryan: Damnit.


Adam: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling attacked right now.

Jack: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having a good time right now.


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