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(A/N) Since it is Started_With_A_Dream's birthday, I dedicate this chapter to them. <3

Wish them a happy b-day in the comments! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊


Jack: Sorry for stabbing you.

Ryan: It's cool.


Jack, upset: I had popcorn earlier and now a kernel is stuck in my teeth. THIS IS NOW EVERYONE'S PROBLEM.

Adam: *Hands him floss*

Jack: Crisis averted, well done team.


Horny AJR fans: I just want to take all your clothes off.

Adam: Please fold them neatly.


Adam: Jack never brings anything but death and bad advice.

Jack: That's not true!

Jack: Sometimes I bring pizza!

Adam: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.


Ryan: Would you like a drink?

Adam: What are the options?

Ryan: Yes or no.


Jack: Guys, I-

Ryan: There is no "I" in this band, only "we."

Jack; Okay, well, "we" are depressed.

Adam and Ryan: Of course we are??


(When Adam was a teenager)

Adam: I got us all fake IDs!

Ryan: To drink?

Adam: No, to vote. This country is in mayhem.


Jack: I actually have a black belt.

Alba, impressed: In karate?

Jack: No, from Gucci.


Ryan: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there?

Jack: Those are the ghosts of all the bugs you've killed before.


Ryan: *sobs*

Adam: You f*cking scared him, you idiot!


Jack: I had nothing to do with it!


Jack: ........

Jack: Okay, so pouring glue on Ryan's keyboard was my idea, but I don't feel proud of it!


Ryan: Jack, why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?

Jack: You mean, why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?


Adam: I don't want to talk about what happened.

Ryan: Would you rather sing about it?

Adam: Ry, I swear to god-


Jack, concentrating:

Ryan: What's up?

Jack: Do you think that if centaurs slapped their own asses, they'll go faster?


Adam: We're disowning you.


AJR fans at AJR probably: You guys are stupid, we like that in a man.


Jack: How you hate to be wrong.

Adam: I wouldn't know, I'm not familiar with the sensation.


(When Jack was a baby and Ryan and Adam were babysitting him)

Adam, locked outside of their room: Ry! Open the door! What are you doing to Jack?? Are you torturing him?!?

Ryan, putting bows on Jack's head:  No!

Adam: Open the damn door! You can't keep him locked in there forever!

Ryan, pulling out the lipstick he stole from their mom: He's not ✨ready✨ yet.


Adam: Oh, haha. Our fans sent me a video.

Adam: *Opens it*

Video: You are my dad (you're my dad!) BoOgiE wOOgiE WoOGie!


Jack: That's a nice father's day present!


Ryan: So it's father's day. If any of your dad's suck or aren't there for you, I'm your dad now.

Ryan: C'mon, Sport! Let's grill footballs!


Adam: That's it! I'm turning off the internet!

Jack: No please! I have a family to feed!


Adam: What?

Jack, sobbing: My Neopets need me! I have to feed and take care of them!


Ryan: How long has it been since you slept?

Adam: Three or four.

Ryan: Three or four what?

Adam, nodding: Three or four.


Also happy father's day.

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