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Random person: Has anyone told you you look like Lil Dicky?

Jack: No, they usually tell me I look like Jack.

Person: Who the f*ck is Jack?

Jack: Me, b*tch-



Ryan: Why are any of us here, really?

Zoo Security Guard: I'm asking about you, specifically.


Jack: The eagles won last night.

Person: Oh, did you watch the game?

Jack: *Covered in blood and scratches* What game?


Adam: Next time any of you see me catching feelings, throw a couch at my head.


Adam: What should we do now? We have some time to kill.

Jack, worried: w-who would we even kill?


Jack, on the phone with Ryan: Wait, what?! You're not coming to my tea party?!



Adam: Listen, we need to talk about-

Jack: The sink was on fire before I even got here.

Adam: What?

Jack: What?


Adam: Ryan, you don't have the mental strength to caramelize onions.

Ryan: Who's caramelizing onions?!? Did y'all just forget apples exist?!?!


Adam: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on them?


Jack, yelling across the gas station parking lot: BUY ME A SODA!

Adam, yelling back: I AIN'T BUYING YOU SH*T!

Adam: *Buys him one anyway*


Alba: Ugh, I feel like a zombie.

Jack: That explains why you're drop-dead gorgeous.

Alba: ... How long have you been waiting to use that?

Jack, quietly: Five months.


Random Person: Hey, are you taken?

Adam: Yes, b*tch. Taken for granted.


Ryan: I got cinnamon rolls for everyone, but I gave them to a homeless lady instead.

Jack: Say sike right now.

Jack: Tell me you're joking. I can't believe you sacrificed my breakfast for some stranger on the street.


(When they were first starting to street perform)

Person, to Jack: Can you sing some Elton John?

Jack: Literally, the only song I know how to sing is "Old McDonald".


Ryan: I would like to offer some friendly advice.


Ryan: Consider it unfriendly advice, then.


Adam, smacking bread onto both sides of Jack's head: WHAT ARE YOU?

Jack: A snack~

Adam: nO-


Adam: I love my brothers. They're really sweet and pretty smart-

Jack and Ryan, bursting through the door: WE ATE A BEETLE.

Adam: I take everything I said back.


Jack: Damnit.

Ryan, gasping: We don't use that kind of language here!

Adam, from across the room: Ah, f*cking damnit!


(When they were little)

Their Mom: Alright, new rule. No animals in the house.

Ryan: Wow, mom, you're really just gonna throw Jack out like that?

Jack: *Smacks the back of his head*


Adam: Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?!

Jack: You told me to satanize the house.

Adam: I said sanitize. I  told you to sanitize the house.


Ryan: This was a bad idea.

Adam: I told you.

Ryan: No you didn't.

Adam: I did, you just didn't listen.


Jack, reading out loud while writing: Dear Diary,

Jack: My teen angst bullsh*t now has a body count.

Adam: *Spits out his drink*


Ryan: I'm sorry to tell you this, but you do have a heart and the capacity to feel.

Adam, starting to cry: You take that back.


Adam, walking into the room: What the f*ck is going on in here?!

Jack, duct taping Ryan to the ceiling: Nothing much. Today's been kind of boring, honestly.


(A/N) I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, lol.

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