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(A/N)  I dare you to comment ten things you love about AJR.

This is in celebration of being on wattpad for officially one year! (So it's just a longer chapter)

I'm so happy I met all of you! ❤️


(When they were younger probably)

Ryan: We can't go in there, it says 18+ and there's only three of us.

Adam: You're so f*cking dumb.

Jack: Yeah, just invite more people, obviously.



Ryan: So apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.


Adam: You have to pick your battles, Jack.

Jack: I am full of rage and I'm picking all of them.


Adam: Ryan told me that instead of being sad, I should "go get it" so I'm going to "go get it".

Austin: Get what?

Adam: Unclear. I'll get everything, just to be safe.


Ryan, holding up a bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?

Jack: I don't know, let me see.

Jack: *Chugs the whole bottle*


Jack: It's perfume.


(Even farther into the future when Winter is grown up)

Ryan, going out for drinks with Winter: I'll have a beer and he'll have a capri sun.

Winter: Dad, I'm a grown man.

Winter: I can order my own capri sun.


Adam: Hey, Arnetta? Can you keep an eye on Jack for me? He's going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Arnetta: Oh, sure! I'd love to watch Jack get punched!

Adam: ........ Try again.

Arnetta, gloomily: I will stop Jack from getting punched.


Ryan: Hello! Yes, I'd like to die.

Employee: Sir.... This is a McDonald's.

Ryan: Oh yeah, sorry. I'd like to mcdie.


Ryan: How petty can you get?

Adam: One time I edited a whole wikipedia page because I couldn't accept the fact that I was wrong.


Adam: I know my brother Jack, and he's many things. He's annoying, lazy, arrogant, cocky, dirty, careless, reckless, obnoxious, destructive, aggravating.

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