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(A/N) Do you guys have any unpopular AJR opinions? You can share without judgement :)


Ryan: You only attract what you fear.


Adam: Oh my God, I'm scared of ten billion dollars.


Jack: Am I going too far?

Adam: No, no. You went too far 7 years ago. Now you're going to prison.


Jack: Alba, I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore.

Alba: :(

Jack: *Gets down on one knee* I want you to be my wife. F*cking marry me.

Alba: :D

Ezra: I don't know if I should be happy or concerned.




Cat: I'll make a bomb-ass bridesmaid!

Adam: *Bursts through the door*


Adam: I'm going to be the flower girl. No arguments.


Jack, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, older brother.

Adam, not looking up from his tea: Good morning, problem sibling.


Ryan: Why can't you put a toaster in a bathtub of water?

Jack: 'Cause then the toast would get soggy.

Adam: NO-


(When Jack was a baby)

Baby Jack: A...... Da...

Adam, rushing over to him: Oh my God! Were you going to say Adam?! Say Adam!

Baby Jack: .... Ada....

Adam: Yes! Say Adam!

Baby Jack: ... Da..... DEATH.




Adam: I'm on my way, what should I bring?

Jack: A good attitude.

Adam: I'm not coming.


Jack: If karma doesn't hit you, I f*cking will.


Adam: What's the one thing I told you not to do?

Ryan: Burn the house down....

Adam: And what did you do?

Ryan: I made dinner for everyone!



Ryan: And burned the house down.


Jack: God give me patience.

Ryan: Don't you mean strength?

Jack: If God gave me strength everyone would be dead.


Adam: Fasten your seatbelts and strap the f*ck in, because we're about to have a mental breakdown.


Ryan: What happened to your fingers? They're covered in bandaids!

Jack: You know those chefs on TV who cut up their vegetables really fast?

Ryan: .....Yeah?

Jack: I can't do that.


Jack: Disrespect me and I will eat your shower curtains.

Adam: My shower has glass doors.

Jack: Well then, crunchity munchity, b*tch.


Ryan: Why is everything a competition for you?

Jack: Is it really a competition if I always win?


Jack: *Screams*

Adam: I'm sorry, but when did I f*cking ask?


(A few years ago)

Jack: Hey, Ryan. I think Adam accidentally mixed up our lunch boxes. Look.

Jack: *Holds up a paper with "I love you so much ❤️" written on it*

Ryan: Oh, that explains this.

Ryan: *Holds up a paper with "Please be good. For the love of God, please be good" Written on it*


Ryan: What goes up but never comes down?

Adam: The amount of love I have for you.

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