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(A/N) This chapter is dedicated to LB.
I miss them very much :((

Do y'all have any AJR merch?

Adam: How do I delete the phone function off my phone?

Ryan: What?

Adam: I don't want phonecalls.


Pidgeon: Every second you're not running, I'm only getting closer.

Jack, trying not to cry: I'M NOT F*CKING SCARED OF YOU!!


Ryan: Aw man, my crocs tanned my feet weird.

Jack: You deserve to be reminded of your crimes.


Jack: Oh no! I'm on the train tracks in the middle of the night! I sure hope a train doesn't come!




Jack: Wouldn't it be awesome if we ate off of this piece of cardboard?


Ryan: You didn't do the dishes, did you?

Jack: Not a single plate.


Adam, trying to roast someone probably: As my brothers would say, "ya basic".

Adam: That's an insult. It's devastating.

The person:

Adam: You should be devastated right now.


Interviewer: Favorite horror movie?

Ryan: I don't know, maybe It.

Jack: The conjuring.

Adam: Highschool Musical. After watching it, I spent the whole time in highschool terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I'd be the only one who didn't know the lyrics.


Ryan: *Is driving

Adam: Didn't you see that sign?!

Ryan: Yeah, what about it?

Adam: It says 35 and you're going 50!!

Ryan: Oh, that's just a suggestion.


(When Adam comes to visit them at their apartment)

Adam: What the f*ck is that?

Jack: It's a baby!

Ryan, cradling the baby: Yeah, we found it in the trash.

Adam: Well put it back, it doesn't belong to you.


Ryan: Goodnight, Adam.

Ryan: Goodnight, Jack.

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