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(A/N) What's your favorite AJR webisode? Mine's probably Hoops. X3


Jack, yelling at Ryan from downstairs: RYYYY!!

Ryan, yelling back: What?!

Jack: I'm homicidal!

Ryan: Wait, did you say homicidal or suicidal?


Ryan: Good. Keep it that way!


Ryan: *Hugs Adam*

Adam: What was that?

Ryan: Affection!

Adam: Disgusting.

Adam: .....Could you do it again, please?


Ryan: Violence isn't the answer.

Jack: You're right. Violence is a question

Jack: And the answer is YES.

Ryan: NO!


Alba: What's wrong with you?!

Jack: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but I still think I'm better than everyone else.


(When they were little)

Adam: Alright guys, let's go over the plan one more time.

Adam: If something breaks?

Jack and Ryan: Try and fix it before mom and dad get home.

Adam: And if that doesn't work?

Ryan: We blame it on Jack.

Jack: F*ck you guys.


Jack: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I've done is absolutely killing it on stage!

Jack: Ha, just kidding. I've killed several men.


(First time meeting Alba)

Jack, trying to flirt: I really like your name.

Alba: Thanks, I got it for my birthday!

Adam, whispering in Jack's ear: You sure you want this one?


Adam: Wait, HOLD THE F*CK UP!

Jack: I'm the f*ck up

Jack: Please hold me.


(When they were little)

Their Mom: Who taught the baby (Jack) to say "Sh*t"?!

Ryan: Not me, mom. I say f*ck.


Jack: Alright, give me your hairdryer.

Alba: What? What are you talking about?

Jack: Don't you carry one in your purse?

Alba: Have you ever met a human woman before? We don't just carry hair dryers in our bags!


Jack: Hey, do you have a hairdryer in your bag?

Adam: Of course. I'm not an animal.


Ryan: Heard you like bad boys, huh?

Ryan: Well I'm bad at everything.

Ryan: *Winks with both eyes*


Ryan, getting down on one knee: Alba, will you do me the honor of becoming my sister-in-law?


Jack: Did you just propose to her for me?!

Ryan: Well someone had to.


Jack: My therapist told me a great way to get rid of anger is to write letters to the people I hate, and burn them.

Jack: Well, I did that and now I don't know what to do with the letters.


Adam: Am I a good person? No.

Adam: But do I try to be better every single day?

Adam: Also no.


Jack: I can't believe we got locked out of our apartment! Ryan, hurry and give me your credit card.

Ryan: Here.

Jack, pocketing it: Cool. Adam, kick the door down.


Jack: Bigfoot but shaven

Ryan: That's just Mr. Clean.

Adam: *Internally screaming*


Austin: What scares you guy's the most?

Ezra: Ghosts.

Jack: Pigeons.

Ryan: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.

Adam: Ryan.


Jack: What's your type, Alba?

Alba: Tall, dumb, brown hair, hazel eyes, great singing voice, talented, energetic, sweet.

Jack: That kinda sounds like me.

Jack: What a coincidence, haha.

Alba: Did I mention dumb?

Jack: Yeah.

Alba: K, just checking.


Ryan: I'm giving up alcohol for a month.

Adam: Really?

Ryan: Wait, that didn't come out right.

Ryan: I'm giving up. Alcohol for a month.


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