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(A/N) what is the special AJR song you listen to when you're feeling down?


(AJR practicing music)

Adam: Wait, stop! Stop the music!

Ryan and Jack: *Confused music stopping*

Adam: Someone left an ice cube on the floor and now mY SOCK IS WET-

Adam, cornering them: WHO THE F*CK WANNA DIE?


Ryan: *Leaves*

Jack: Oh, how I yearn to be happy again.

Ryan: *Comes back because he forgot his keys*

Jack: That's much better.


Jack, calling Adam on the phone: Hey.

Adam: I'm busy.

Jack: Okay, but how many redbulls do I have to drink to grow wings?


Adam: I'm on my way.


Adam: I've never felt sexy a day in my life.

Jack, dropping into a split: CAN'T RELATE!


Ryan: Are leaves called leaves because they leave the tree?

Jack: What if they don't want to leave?! What if the trees MAKE them leave?!

Adam: I'm gonna make both of you leave if you don't shut up-


Adam and Ryan: Hey, Jack? We just want to let you know that we love you.

Jack: You do?

Adam and Ryan: Yes.

Jack: Really?

Adam and Ryan: Yes.


Jack: Why?


Adam, frustrated: That's it! Get out of the car. You're walking home.

Jack: We haven't even left the driveway-


Jack: What does Airbnb mean?

Adam: Oh, well b&b stands for bed and breakfast-

Ryan: Bungeons and Bragons.


(When Jack was a little kiddie and Adam was trying to be a good older brother.)

Adam, drinking the disgusting tea Jack made him because he doesn't want to hurt Jack's feelings: ....Mmmm..... What kind of tea is this?

Jack, happy that Adam appears to be enjoying it: I just boiled some Gatorade!!

Adam, trying not to spit it out: It-it's very good...

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