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(A/N) How did you first find AJR?


Cashier: You're eight cents short.

Jack: It's only eight cents, can't you just let it slide?

Cashier: No.

Jack: *Slides cashier 20 dollars* How about now?


(In the future, when Winter was born)

Doctor, handing Ryan the baby: I'm sorry but your wife didn't make it.

Ryan, handing the baby back: Bring me the one my wife made.


Jack: *Is about to hit his head on a low hanging tree branch*

Ryan: Jack, duck!

Jack: QUACK!- *smacks face-first into the tree*


(When Jack was in highschool)

Teacher: Jack got in a fight today.

Ryan: Oh no, that's terrible!

Adam: Did he win?


Jack: Alba is playing hard to get.

Jack: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.


(Adam, being interrogated)

Officer: Start talking!

Adam: Well, according to sub section A-B, I won't be talking until mah lawyer's present!

(This was submitted by the wonderful -TheOneLB-)


(Jack, being interrogated)

Officer: Where were you three days ago at 11:00 pm, and don't lie!

Jack: I-I don't know-

Officer: That's it, take him downtown!

Jack: Ooh, to get some food?

Officer: No, you're going to jail!

Jack: Sounds fancy, I'll have the mac n cheese-

(This was also submitted by -TheOneLB-)

(I'll add the rest of your submissions in the next chapter ;>)

(And also remember everyone, you can submit your own incorrect quotes and I'll add them to my book and credit you!)


(When they were kids)

Adam: I was born first, you have to listen to me.

AJR Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now