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(A/N) It's almost my birthday!!!!!!

Well, it's like a month and a half away but still-

But anyway, what AJR song do you relate to the most?


(When Jack and Ryan were kids)

Jack and Ryan: *Gives Adam a quiz to test how smart he is*

Adam, reading the first question: If a woman has starch marks on her- 

Adam: Wait.

Adam, rereading it: If a WOMEN has.... Starch MASKS on her body,

Adam: Does that mean she has been PERGNAT BEFORE???


Jack and Ryan:


Adam: I cannot comprehend how stupid the wording and the question itself is.


Ryan: So why are you mad at Jack this time?

Adam: He keeps replacing regular words with animals to annoy me!

Jack: I don't do it on porpoise.

Adam: Get out.


(When they were kids)

Jack: The floor is hot lava!

Jack: *Helps Ryan up onto the counter*

Jack: *Pushes Adam off*


Ryan: Hey, Adam? Do you have any bags we could borrow?

Adam: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they're specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.

Jack: Literally all you had to say was "no".


Adam, opening Jack's door: Hey, it's time to go-

Jack, in the middle of a breakdown: gEt THE f*Ck oUt oF My ROoM I'M pLayIng mInecRaFt!


Ryan: The police don't want you to know this, but the ducks at the park are free. You can just take them.


Ryan, texting Adam: Nose

Ryan: I typed that with my nose lol

Adam: Heart

Ryan: What?? Are you okay??


Ryan: Answer me, Adam




Ryan: Adam, do you believe in ghosts?

Adam: There is no such thing as ghosts.

Jack: But our maid said there's ghosts!

Adam: Both of you, pack your bags and meet me in the car.

AJR Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now