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(A/N) I want to explode. Anyway, how's everyone been? also happy birthday to NeoTheater!


Adam, locking Jack in the car: Act like a child, get treated like a child.

Jack: What?? Isn't it illegal to leave a child in a locked car?


Ryan: Here's the thing, though. Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?

Adam: Ry....... That's a threat.


Ryan: *Sneezes*

Jack, stuck in the vents: Bless you.

Ryan: God?!?


(Halloween time)

Jack and Ryan, excited: Let's do something really scary!

Adam: We could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts.


(When they were kids)

Jack: Ugh, it's so hot in here.

Adam, jokingly: It's because I'm here.

Jack: Or maybe it's the weather, you ugly burnt celery.

Adam, trying not to cry:


Jack, to Alba: I hope you like long romantic walks.

Alba: *blushes*

Jack: Because I don't have a car. Or any money.


(Adam trying to take care of his brothers)

Adam: Dinner's ready, dumb*ss. Come to the table.

Jack, not moving: I'm watching TV.

Adam: No, you're not.

Jack: Yes, I am. I'm right in front of it!


Jack, finally getting the message and running to the table: Oh, that's right. I'm at the table.

(This brings back memories)


Ryan, driving frantically to Adam's apartment while whispering to Jack who is on the phone with Adam: Ask him something!

Jack: How are you feeling?

Adam: Fine.

Ryan: Something personal, Jack!

Jack: Have you ever laid an egg?


(When Ryan was in middle school)

Girl, blushing and passing Ryan a note: Read this?

Ryan: *Reads it*

Note: Do you like me, yes or no.

Ryan, panicking: I-I'm not registered to vote!


Jack: *Chokes on a piece of food*

Ryan: Haha, don't die on us.



Person: What are your goals?

Jack: To pet all dogs.

Person: I meant fitness goals. Fitness goals, Jack.

Jack: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.


Adam: Hey, Ryan. How's your goldfish?

Ryan: I...... I don't have a goldfish anymore.

Adam: I know, just reminding you-



Ryan: This might be an unpopular opinion, but I miss Adam when he isn't here.

Arnetta: Why is that unpopular?

Jack: Have you met Adam?


Adam: You know, I always get the vibe that you hate me.

Jack: What? Me hate you?

Jack: You're right.


Person: What is going on over there?

AJR fans: Whatever it is, it's probably AJR's fault.


Adam: What the f*ck is wrong with you?!

Jack: You could start with "good morning".

Adam: Good morning, Jack. WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?


Adam: Why are you two always out in rainstorms? You're going to get sick!

Ryan: The smell and sound is so refreshing and peaceful.

Jack: Ezra bet me fifteen bucks I couldn't get struck by lightning and HE WAS WRONG.


Adam: I can't believe Jack betrayed us by doing something stupid. Why is it always the ones you expect the most?


Adam: What's your favorite fruit?

Ryan: Chocolate.

Jack: Wha- that's not a fruit.

Ryan: It grows on trees, doesn't it?


Jack: Well first I'd like to thank my brothers, Adam and Ryan, for telling me someone else was going to win so don't bother to prepare a speech.


Ryan: Someone's knocking on my window. I wonder if it's someone coming to confess their undyingly love for me!


Ryan: It was a confused pigeon.


AJR critics: They destroyed the music industry, took over the radio, played music that turns people into mindless idiots!

AJR fans: Wait, AJR did all that?

AJR critics: No, but are we really just going to wait around until they do?!


I made this as a goodbye, lol. Maybe I'll talk to you guys soon but I'm not sure.

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