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(A/N) This chapter is dedicated to Aryn, an AJR fan who recently took their life. They will always be remembered and greatly missed ❤️

Remember, you are never alone. The journey is long and sometimes hard, but the hard parts don't last forever.
If you are dealing with ANYTHING at all, you can always dm me. I love each and every one of you, and without you the world would honestly suck.
So remember that you have a purpose.


Jack: One day I'm gonna say "Fight me" to the wrong person and someone is just going to deck me.

Adam: Oh trust me, that day is closer than you think.


(When they were kids)

Ryan: Aw, my caterpillar never turned into a butterfly.

Adam: That's a cheeto.

Ryan: Oh-

Jack: *Eats it*


Critic: Maybe you're not as big of a b*tch as you want everyone to think you are.

Jack: Nah, I totally am.


Ryan: I did something terrible....

Jack: It's okay, I have a shovel.

Ryan: Wait, what do you think I did???

Jack: It doesn't matter. No one will ever know.


Adam: This is good ice cream.

Ryan: Yeah, I think ice cream would have to be my all-time favorite food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping.

Jack: Then you'd get fat.

Ryan: No, why would I get fat??

Adam: Because ice cream makes you fat.

Ryan: ....... Ice cream makes you fat?


Jack: I realized you were right when you told me I never say anything nice to you.

Ryan: So..... Are you going to say something nice to me now?


Jack: I hadn't thought that far ahead.


Ryan: If we keep accusing people of being the zodiac killer, eventually we'll get it right.

Jack, drunk: Maybe the real Zodiac Killer was the friends we made along the way.



Adam: If you have any complaints or suggestions for my Planet Reimagined podcast, please put them in the suggestion box.



Jack: That's a garbage bin.

Adam: I know.


(In the future when Jack and Adam have to babysit Winter)

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