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Adam, going up to a store manager: I lost my two little brothers, can I make an announcement?

Store manager: Sure *Hands speakerphone*

Adam: Goodbye you little sh**s


Jack: I'm the kind of person who likes to think things through

Adam: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire


Ryan, looking in the fridge and sighing: I'm the only snack in this house, as always.


Everyone: Adam- Hey Adam, do the cute thing

Adam: *exists*

Everyone: Holy crap...


Jack, singing to the tune of The Final Countdown: IT'S A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!!

Ryan: *off key kazoo*


Jack: It's a little muggy out today

Adam: I swear to God if I go outside and all the mugs are out there, I'm leaving.

Jack: *Sips hot cocoa from bowl*


Adam, lifeguarding at a pool:

Jack: *Is drowning*

Adam: I'd save him, but who am I to play God?


Ryan, opening the door: After you

Adam: No, after you

Ryan: I insist, after you

Adam: No, no, no, after you

Jack, pushing past both of them: After me


Jack: You ever wanna talk about your emotions, Ryan?

Ryan: Hmm.. Nah

Adam: I do

Jack: I know, Adam

Adam: I'm sad

Jack: I know, Adam


Hey! This book is mainly a joke, so yeah. I know some of them are not very accurate, but who cares? Enjoy the weirdness.

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