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(A/N) This chapter is dedicated to my darling gretchen_turningout

Anyway, assuming AJR is your first fav band, what's your second fav band?


Ryan: I just be spending my days vibing.

Adam: You aren't "vibing", you're in severe psychological distress.


Jack: How come whenever I have fun, it's considered wrong?

Adam: People die when you have fun.



Ryan: Adam, I don't think you should drink anymore coffee today.

Adam: It cures depression.

Ryan: I don't think it works like tha-

Adam: More espresso, less depresso.


Jack: You can't argue with that.


Jack: I have a plan for the concert.

Adam: I'm already terrified.


(In the future. Jack is teaching Winter his ways)

Winter: Pass the salt.

Jack: What's the magic word?

Winter: Or else.

Jack, passing the salt over: That's my nephew!



Jack: Arnetta's chapstick tastes really good.

Ryan: What?!

Adam: Did you two kiss?! I'm sorry but I'm telling Alba!

Arnetta, bursting through the door: F*ck no! He ATE it!


Jack: How much nutella have you had today?

Ryan, in a pile of empty nutella bottles: Now is not the time to talk about my flaws as a person.


Ryan: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color.

Jack: Star fruit??

Ryan: So close! That's actually a shape.

Jack: Lemon!

Ryan: You do realize what you're saying, right?

Jack: Green beans!

Ryan: That isn't a fruit???

Adam: What about...... Oranges???


Ryan: The past tense of William Shakespeare would be Wouldiwas Shookespeared.

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