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(A/N) It's been 6 days since I updated this book, so how's everyone feeling?


(Before Jack and Alba were dating probably)

Alba: Could you ever see us as being something other than friends?

Jack: Yes, definitely, and I'm glad you asked.

Alba: That's wonderful, I-

Jack: I can totally see us as the new Mystery Gang, and Shay can be Scooby.


Jack: Hang on, let me find the picture I drew.


Ryan, holding up a piece of broccoli in one hand: Look at this tiny tree. Can you eat it??

Ryan, holding up a piece of cauliflower in his other hand: Aw, this one looks dead.



(If Jack was a Doctor)

Jack: Hi, how are you?

Patient: I'm fine, thanks.

Jack: Then get out.


Adam: How's making music going?

Jack: F*cked up. About to die. Ryan's a nerd. The usual.


Jack: They knocked that smug look off my face!

Jack: Luckily, I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath.


Ryan: I have a question.

Adam: Go on.

Ryan: In the word "scent", is it the 's' or the 'c' that's silent?

Arnetta: Damn you, I'm going to be thinking about this all day.

Ezra: Okay, well, "cent" is pronounced the same way as "scent", so I'd say the 's' is silent.

Austin: But "sent" is also pronounced the same way.

Adam: Okay, Google says the 'c' was added in the 17th century so I guess the 'c' is silent.

Jack: Plot twist: both the 's' and 'c' are silent and the letter 'e' makes the ssssss sound.

Adam: Jack isn't allowed to talk anymore.


Adam: Name one bad thing I've done.

Ryan: You tried to convince Jack that eggs aren't real.

Jack: Wait, they ARE real?!?

Adam, dragging Jack away from Ryan: No, they're not real. Ryan doesn't know what he's talking about!


Ryan: I want my furry feet!

Adam, crying: PLEASE just say SLIPPERS.


Ryan: You bought a taco?

Adam: Yeah.

Ryan: From the truck that hit Jack?

Adam: Well, me starving isn't going to help him.


(Jack and Ryan trying to finish working on this one song at 2AM)

Ryan, playing his keyboard while sleep deprived: I've connected the two dots.

Jack, wiping away the toothpaste Ryan smeared on his keyboard: You didn't connect sh*t.

Ryan: I've connected them.


Ryan, walking through a public garden: I'm just looking. I can control my emotions.


Jack: Why are you holding ten garden gnomes?

Ryan, starting to cry: They were cold and all alone.


Adam: If you do this, I'm telling who's in charge!

Jack: But..... You're the one in charge.

Adam: Thank God I'm here then!


Ryan, accidentally bumping into a mannequin: Oh, I'm so sorry!

Adam: Ry, that's a mannequin.

Ryan: Oh, right.

Ryan: Sorry, I thought you were a human, Mr. Mannequin.



Adam: Did you separate the egg yolks from the egg whites?

Ryan: Yep! Here are the egg whites.


Adam: Those aren't egg whites, those are egg SHELLS.

Ryan: And what color are they, Mr. Know-it-all?


(Playing Mario Kart)

Ryan: You're toast!

Jack: You and what toaster?!


Ryan: Hey, Adam, can you back me up on this?

Adam: Whatever Ryan said, he's correct, and you're completely wrong, Jack.


Jack: I wasn't even involved in this conversation-

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