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(A/N) would you name a pet or future child after AJR? Lmaoo


News Reporter: Folks were told to stay off road ways unless it was absolutely positively necessary.

AJR: We wanted donuts.

News Reporter: But they still came out.


(Introducing the band)

Jack: And that's Adam,

Jack: He's pretty much the worst person you'll ever meet so just avoid eye contact.

Adam: Wait-


Ryan: I need your help!

Adam: Would it be weird for me to start my own drinking game? Like, I have to take a shot every time one of you asks for my help.


(Part two of if Adam was a 911 operator)

Adam, picking up the phone: 911, what's your emergency?

Ryan: I think somebody broke into my apartment. He's in my living room.

Adam: Okay, stay where you are. We're gonna send someone over right now.

Ryan: I'm going to investigate.

Adam: ..... You- you do not have to do that.

Ryan: -Ohhh that isn't a man...

Ryan: It's a catttt!

Ryan: ..... And I hate cats.

Adam: If it's an animal it could be rabid! Do not approach it!

Ryan: I'm approaching the rabid cat now!


Ryan: It's a weird looking cat, actually. Kinda looks like a panda!

Adam: Sir, get out of the room.

Ryan: The weird panda is in my face! Oh- :D

Ryan: oh, Oh- he's kissing me!

Ryan: Oh this is very nice.

Ryan: And now I like cat pandas.

Adam: So, is everything okay?

Ryan: Yeah, it is okay. I'm getting kissed <3


Adam: Jack should've never given you that blender.

Ryan, drinking toast: Why do you say that?


Jack: Happy Monday, he says as he forces a smile on his face, embracing all that is Monday.

Ryan: Who hurt you?

Jack: Shut up, I'm being dramatic.


Adam: Nice rock.

Ryan: Thanks, Jack gave it to me!

Jack: I literally threw it at you.

Ryan: He's very nice.


Adam: I'm leaving. Shay is in charge and I've left notes for you two with instructions.

Jack: Mine just says "Jack, no".

Adam: and you can apply that to any situation.


Ryan: *passes out or something*

Jack: Hurry! We have to give him c-3po!

Adam: You mean CPR?

Jack: Okay, we'll try that first, I guess.


Jack: I was robbed of my ability to give a f*ck.

Ryan: You were never robbed of it. Adam was robbed of it, though.

Adam: Yeah, and I don't want it back.


Jack, solemnly: When I was younger, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.

Adam and Ryan: He is proud of it. That's why he somehow finds a way to mention it in every conversation.


Jack, proudly: You know you've made it when you see posters of you everywhere you go!

Ryan: :D

Adam: Guys, those are wanted posters.


Jack: The path to inner peace begins with four words,

Jack: "Not my f*cking problem".


Ryan: You donate one kidney and you're a hero.

Ryan: But when you donate five more, suddenly, you're a monster!


Jack: -It's just one of those things we'll never know, like what happened to the titanic.

Adam: It hit an iceberg.

Jack and Ryan, gasping: IT WHAT?!


(When they were kids)

Ryan: Now let's go before Adam finds out we tied his shoes together

*Distant screaming*

Jack: Okay, that's our cue.


Ryan, trying to get out of doing school: Sorry but my brother ate my homework.

Teacher: Wha-

Jack: Yeah, and it tasted terrible.

Jack: Definitely wasn't worth the five bucks.


(When they were kids and in a little red riding hood play)

Ryan: Oh, granny! What big ears you have!

Jack: Say that again, I f*CKING DARE YOU-

The audience:

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