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(A/N) What songs will be on OKO? Wrong answers only.


Jack: Adam told me I had to start thinking before I act.

Jack: So, if I smack the sh*t out of you, rest assured,  I thought about it and I am confident in my decision.


Ryan: F*ck, I wanna die.

Adam: Language.

Ryan: Hecky heck, I crave death.


Adam: Can we talk about this-


Ryan: Put the cookies in the box.

Ryan: There, now we can't eat them.

Jack: We can still open the box, though.


Ryan: That is true.


(Getting ready for a concert)

Adam: Lighting? Check.

Ryan: Sound? Check.

Jack: Hotel? Trivago.


(After the concert)

Ryan: Alright, guys! We did it! Everything went according to plan!

Jack, sadly holding a knife he didn't get to use: I mean, yeah I guess....


Adam: Ry, have I ever told you, you cook well?

Ryan, smiling: Aw, no.

Adam: So why do you keep cooking?


(When Jack and Adam are gone for literally two seconds)

Austin: Hey, Ryan?

Ryan, laying face down on the floor: Adam and Jack used to call me that....


Austin: Because it's your f*cking name-


(Jack and Adam playing chess)

Adam: *Moves his piece*

Jack: Aha! You've fallen right into my trap! Maybe you'd like to retake that move.

Adam: Your remaining piece must have one heck of a plan.


Professor: Just take what's yours and leave!

Jack: Fine! *Throws Ryan and Adam over his shoulder and runs out of the school building*


Adam: That's it! I'm leaving!

Ryan: And there he goes, our only brain cell.

Jack: eXcUsE mE? *Offended Jack noises*


(When they were kids and all living in the same room)

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