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(A/N) Omg, thank you all so much for supporting this book! <3 love y'all!

What's your favorite part of AJR songs?


Jack, wearing Ryan's glasses: How do I look?

Ryan, squinting his eyes: I have no idea.


Adam, trying to be tough: Danger is my middle name.

Jack: That's a lie.

Ryan: Yeah! Your middle name is Cutie-pie! *Boops his nose* <3



Ryan: You lied?

Jack: I may have.

Ryan: You may have, or you did?

Jack: I may have did.


Ryan: Jack and I have that easy chemistry where we finish each other's-


Ryan: -Please, don't interrupt me.


Jack: 🎶Look at you strawberry B*TCH.

Jack: You look like a B*TCH.🎶

Jack: Oh my God, you're such a 🎶B*TCH🎶


Jack: Yesterday I accidentally kicked Ryan in the face and I couldn't decide between saying "I'm so sorry" or "are you okay?"

Jack: So I panicked and yelled "ARE YOU SORRY?!"

Jack: Ryan's giving me the silent treatment, and Adam STILL hasn't stopped laughing at me.


(Before Alba and Jack were officially dating)

Alba: What I'm trying to say is.... What if we went to the party not as friends?

Jack, gasping: AS ENEMIES?!


Alba, sighing: I don't even get why I feel the way I feel about you.


Adam: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand just to seem smart.

Jack: I photosynthesize with this.


Ryan: What's your biggest fear?

Adam: Being forgotten.

Ryan: Wow, that's deep.

Ryan: Mine's the Kool-Aid Man, but now I feel kinda stupid about it.


Ryan, sadly: I lose at everything. I even lost my glasses.

Jack, staring at the glasses on top of Ryan's head: I'll help you find them for fifty dollars.

Adam: No-


(Yo mamma jokes)




Jack: Wait-

Ryan: I can't believe you'd disrespect mom like that you b*tch.


Jack: I learned some valuable lessons from this. 

Adam: I'm guessing they're all horrible distortions of the lessons you actually should've gotten from this.

Jack: Death isn't real, and I'm basically God.


Adam, to Jack probably: That's so sad. Let me play despacito on the world's smallest Alexa.


Jack: I'll just have a taco.

Ryan: Jack, this is an Olive Garden.

Jack, quietly: You're really putting me on the spot here...

Jack, turning to the waiter: *In an Italian Accent* Can I have a taco?


Adam: I think your calculations may have been off.

Ryan: Well, they can't be off if you don't do any.


Adam: Jack, you need to put on pants.

Jack: Why? It's too hot, and I'm hot. So technically, I'm doing people a favor.


Jack: Here's a nice hot cup of tea.

Ryan, taking a sip: It's cold.

Jack: Nice cup of tea.

Ryan: It's horrible.

Jack: Cup of tea.

Ryan: Is this even tea?

Jack: Cup.


Jack: Thank you for agreeing to see me.

Adam: I didn't. You just walked in here and started talking.

Jack: I don't have time for a history lesson!


Jack: You're right. I won't fight him.

Ryan: I'm so proud of y-

Jack: SIKE!


Jack, knocking on Adam's door: Open up, Adam!

Adam: Well, it all started when I was seven...

Jack: No, I meant-

Ryan: Let him finish.


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