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Ryan, with his foot stuck in a chair: You may be asking, "Ryan, how'd you get your foot stuck in that chair?"

Ryan: *slightly baffled and trying to get out* Well guys, Ryan doesn't know either


Jack: Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?

Adam: Uh, the good news..


Jack: It's very unlikely that I'll do it again.


Ryan: Do you remember the plan if I ever get attacked and fall down?

Jack: Of course.

Ryan: Tell me.

Jack: In the case of if you're ever being attacked, as you fall to the ground, I am to say "MMM WHATCHA SAY~"  no matter the circumstances.

Ryan: Good. I'll do the same for you, of course.


Ryan: What if people had food names and food had people names?

Ryan, to Jack: Hey, Spaghetti. Time for dinner.

Jack: What are we having?

Ryan: Adam

Adam: How the hell am I related to you?

Ryan: Shut up, potato.


Adam: Jack, can you carry this for me?

Jack: I don't know, I can barely carry the weight of my depression.

Adam: Jack, just pick up the freaking grocery bag.


Jack, rushing into the room: GUYS, THE FLOOR IS HOT LAVA!!!!

Ryan & Jack: *both jump on the couch, screaming*

Adam, slowly laying down on the floor: Oh no

Jack: Adam! The floor is hot lava! Get on the couch!

Adam, sighing and not moving an inch from the ground: I wish I could, but the lava is just too much

Ryan, with tears in his eyes: wE CAN'T LOSE YOU LIKE THIS

Adam: I'm sorry, but I think it's my time to go



Jack: Hello officer, what seems to be the problem?

Cop: I'm sorry, sir. But you can't drive a motorcycle with three people on it. I'm going to have to take you all in.

Jack: Wait- Three? Three people???

Adam & Ryan:



Jack: Adam won't come out of his room.

Ryan, looking at his phone: Eh, just tell him I said something.

Jack: Like what?

Ryan: Anything factually incorrect.

Adam, a few minutes later: did yOU JUST SAY THE SUN IS FREAKING PLANET??


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