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Adam: That's baking soda

Ryan: Bacon soda? That's a genius idea, but I'm not sure the world is ready for a pork flavoured beverage


Adam, softly singing to himself: You are the dancing queen-

Ryan, rushing into the room and crashing into a wall: YOUNG AND SWEET-

Jack, falling from the ceiling: ONLY SEVENTEEN!!

Adam: *Confused screaming*


Jack: Ryan, what's it mean to be a caffeine addict?

Ryan: You see those six cars? A caffeine addict would see twelve


Jack: ....... But there's only three


Adam: Did you even listen to a single word I said?

Jack: In my defense, I listened to about five which is a new record for me


Adam: Jack doesn't have a life plan. He doesn't have a day plan. I once found a note he wrote to himself that said "put on pants"

Adam:...... Followed by a question mark


Jack: Tell them off, Ryan. Assert yourself

Ryan: That's my ice cream!

Jack: Great! Now let 'em have it!

Ryan:  You can have it :-)

Jack: Ry, no-


Adam: When you've been working in the industry as long as I have, you develope thick skin

Jack & Ryan: That headband doesn't look very good on you

Adam, tearing up: It brings out my eyes, you pricks.


Adam: If you had ten cookies and I asked for five, how many cookies would you have?

Ryan: None

Adam: Ryan, it's basic math. It isn't that har-

Ryan: I would give you all of them, because you deserve them <3


Adam, holding back tears: Gross. Absolutely disgusting. Get out of my room


Ryan: Be careful with the onions, they'll make you cry

Jack: Not if I make them cry first!

Jack: *Stabs onion*


Ryan: How long are you gonna stand there and let him do that?

Adam: Just give him a minute

Adam & Ryan: *Turns to watch Jack put dirty dishes in the oven*



Adam: He'll figure out he's doing something wrong eventually


Jack, bursting through the door: It's missing!

JJ: What's missing?

Jack: The thing!

JJ: whAT tHing?

Jack: Oh- there it is

Jack: *Picks up Ryan and walks out*


Jack: Change is inedible

Adam: Don't you mean 'inevitable'?

Jack, spitting out a bunch of pennies: I clearly didn't


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