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(A/N) I'm so happy to be friends with all of you! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

What's your favorite thing about AJR?


(AJR after having a fight)

Ryan: Awkward sibling hug?

Adam and Jack, sighing: Awkward sibling hug.

*AJR hugging it out in the middle of a public hallway*

Adam: Who took my wallet?

Jack: Sorry.


Jack: Hello? 911? I accidentally yelled at my precious brother and I need to be arrested.

911 Operator:

911 Operator: We'll send someone right away.


Jack: DON'T F*CK WITH ME *Aggressively swings his microphone around* I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!

Jack: *High pitched scream into the mic*


Adam: Don't do anything stupid.

Jack: You and I both know that's asking way too much of me.


Adam: This is so frustrating! I hate everything! I hate everyone!

Ryan, voice cracking: Everyone?

Adam, sighing: Everyone except you.


Jack: This is my older brother! We're besties and even share a toothbrush!

Adam: We w h a t?!


Jack: Going to school, writing stuff down. You love all that nerd stuff.

Ryan: Writing stuff down is nerdy? What do you do then?

Jack: Forget stuff, like a cool person.


Jack: If Ryan and I were drowning, who would you save?

Adam: You morons can't even swim?

Ryan: It's a hypothetical question. Who would you save?

Adam: My time and effort.


Jack: *Pours salt into Ryan's coffee as a joke*

Ryan: *Sips coffee*


Ryan: *Finishes coffee*

Jack: ..... Didn't the coffee taste weird?

Ryan: Well yes, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.

Jack, tearing up: Okay.


Ryan: How many anxiety pills do I have to take before my body gets the hint?!


Jack: See?! I can take care of myself!

Adam: Jack, your shirt's on fire.

Jack: No, YOUR shirt's on fire!



Jack: Oh sh*t- oh f*ck!


Ryan: Remember, stay positive!

Ryan: *Trips and falls down the stairs*

Ryan: Gee, I got down those stairs fast!


Person, looking at Jack and Ryan: Don't you miss when they were kids? They were just the sweetest!


*Flashback to the time four-year old Jack blew his nose on Adam's shirt and then Ryan ran in with a nerf gun and shot both of them in the throat*

Adam: Not really, no.


Jack: You're stupid.

Adam: Well, you're dumb.


Jack: I don't like your hair!

Ryan, under his breath: Oh, sh*t. He really went there-


Ryan: What are all these dead bodies doing here?!

Jack, sipping his hot cocoa: Honestly? Not much.


Jack: Okay, I'll add on to your "a" to make "at".

Ryan: And I'll add on to your "at" to make "rat"!

Adam: And I will add on to your "rat" to make "biostratigraphic".

Jack: *Flips the board*


Ryan: If I say "I love you" would you say it back?

Jack: Yeah.

Ryan: I love you.

Jack: It back.

*Five minutes later*

Jack: I'm sorry! I love you, too! Just please stop crying!


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